海外渡航を予定している学生の皆様/To students who plan to travel abroad
海外滞在中に新型コロナ感染又は感染の疑いのある症状が発生した場合の対応フロー / 海外渡航?留学等に係る手続きについての各部局の担当窓口
Since the global trend of COVID-19 pandemic has been decreasing, as of May 8, 2023, the Japanese government relaxed its disease control measures to COVID-19 and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) lifted its warnings on COVID-19 infection for travelers overseas. In response to the change, the University decided to discontinue the application of the "Overseas Travel/Study Guidelines" as well as its check sheet “Confirmation of Student’s Compliance with Overseas Travel/Study Guidelines" that had been established to deal with overseas travel and study abroad under the COVID-19 pandemic situations.
Regardless of this change, the "Prior Confirmation for Overseas Travel/Study” and "Pledge for Overseas Dispatch/Study Abroad" will still applicable and required to be submitted. (The "Pledge for Overseas Dispatch/Study Abroad" has also been changed to the normal format used prior to COVID-19 pandemic, and the guarantor signature section has no longer required.)
海外渡航?留学にあたっての提出書類 Updated
Documents to be submitted before overseas travel/study
** 2023年5月8日以降も提出が必要な書類 - Documents still applicable and required on and after May 8, 2023
If you plan on overseas travel/study, please be sure to submit the following documents in advance to the Educational Affairs Section of your affiliated department below with your "留学願(Study Abroad Request)" or “海外渡航届(Overseas Travel Notification)”.
- bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@「留学?海外渡航にあたっての事前確認書」(Word:23KB)
- bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@「海外渡航誓約書」(PDF:372KB)
- TUAT” Prior Confirmation for Overseas Travel/Study” (Word:32KB)
- TUAT“Pledge for Overseas Dispatch/Study Abroad” (PDF:55KB)
**2023年5月8日付で廃止- Not applicable from May 8, 2023
- bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@「海外渡航?留学についてのガイドライン」
- bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@「海外渡航?留学ガイドライン遵守確認書」
- TUAT"Overseas Travel/Study Guidelines"
- TUAT” Confirmation of Student’s Compliance with Overseas Travel/Study Guidelines”
(参考 - References)
- 外務省MOFA「海外安全ホームページ」
- 外務省MOFA「日本からの渡航者?日本人に対する各国?地域の入国制限措置及び入国後の行動制限」
- 厚生労働省「海外から入国される方へ」 (English version)
◆注意◆ 渡航先国によっては、検査証明書の様式または記載必要項目が指定されていることがあります 。検査機関によっては渡航先国の要件を満たす検査証明書の発行ができない機関もありますので、 事前に渡航先国の駐日大使館/領事館サイト等で検査証明書の指定様式又は記載必要項目等の要件を確認の上、検査機関に要件を満たす証明書の発行が可能か否かを確認するようにしてください 。
Flowchart of necessary actions if you have an incident or become bad health condition (including COVID-19 infection or having injured) while you are abroad
If you have bad health condition (including having injured) and/or an incident while you are abroad, please take the necessary actions and procedures according to the linked flowchart below.
Please make sure to review the flowchart carefully before traveling to your destination.
- 海外滞在中に体調不良(新型コロナ感染含む)やケガ?事故等の緊急事態が発生した場合の対応フロー
- What to do if you have an incident or become bad health condition (including COVID-19 infection or having injured) while you are abroad
★海外滞在中に医療機関の受診が必要な病気やケガ、事故等が発生した場合、 下記Googleフォームを入力し、速やかに大学に状況を連絡してください。
If you have an incident and/or bad health condition or injured that you need to go to a hospital during your study abroad, please report to TUAT via the following Google form and inform your situation ASAP.
◆大学への連絡用Googleフォーム Google Form to contact TUAT
府中学生支援室 教務第2係
府中学生支援室 連合農学研究科学生係
小金井学生支援室 教務係
学務課 国際交流室
電話 042-367-5913
E-mail kokusai*cc.jskrtf.com