Visitors · Exchanges
Courtesy Visit by President Prof. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla from Technical University of Braunschweig(TUBS)
The course “FAO and World Food Security and Nutrition” was delivered by Dr. Divine Nganje Njie, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
World Bank, Sokoine University of Agriculture and University of Ghana visit TUAT
TUAT Receives Courtesy Visit by Steinbeis University's School of Management and Technology, Dr. Peter Schupp
University of Cologne visits TUAT
TUAT President receives a Courtesy Visit by the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana visits TUAT
Courtesy Visit by President Dr. Tran Van Chu from Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF)
Can Tho University visits TUAT
TUAT President receives a Courtesy Visit by the Rector of University of Bonn
President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology visits TUAT
TUAT President receives a Courtesy Visit by the representative of FEDEARROZ from Colombia
TUAT President receives a Courtesy Visit by the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova
Courtesy Visit by President Wen-Yuh Jywe from National Formosa University (NFU) in Taiwan