This is a one-of-a-kind department not found at other universities, covering a wide range of chemistry, physics, electricity, and mechanical fields centered on the three axes of energy, new materials, and the environment. Systematically learn the basics of chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and numerical analysis. Two courses, "chemical engineering" and "physical engineering," and subject groups corresponding to three axes are prepared. You can deepen your understanding.
The original website of this department is here
?August 2, 2024: A chemistry and physics experiment class for high school students is scheduled to be held.
Please refer to the flyer link below for details. Also, please apply via the application form link.
Experiment Class Flyer
Application Form
Characteristics of Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering Sciences
Training engineers to realize a sustainable society based on chemistry and physics
Introducing Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering
A sustainable society requires the development of products and systems that take into consideration the impact on the environment and the reuse of energy. This requires global talent that has comprehensively mastered both the fields of chemistry and physics, rather than a single field of engineering. In this department, we provide comprehensive education and research in chemistry and physics to solve global issues such as energy and the environment, and to acquire problem-solving skills that will create new industries. First, students focus on basic subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics. From the second semester of the second year, students split into two courses, "Chemical Engineering" and "Physical Engineering," and study specialized subjects. Through education and research into new materials, the environment, energy, and other areas, we aim to develop highly skilled global engineers who can develop problem-solving skills, pioneer new fields, and develop innovative technologies to solve problems that have a high social need, such as "developing highly efficient, low-environmental-impact energy conversion devices using new materials."
Educational goals A comprehensive understanding of chemistry and physics is necessary to solve global issues such as energy and the environment and to acquire the problem-solving skills to create new industries. Our department trains highly skilled global engineers who can tackle issues that require a comprehensive understanding, such as "developing highly efficient, low-environmental-impact energy conversion devices using new materials," and other issues that are in high demand in society.
keyword: Energy conversion, optimization of utilization, low environmental impact, high efficiency production systems, energy harvesting technology, new material creation, environmental measurement devices
Laboratory introduction Introducing Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering 's laboratory. Please see here .
Curriculum and Admissions Introducing the Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering curriculum Admissions. Please see here .
Introduction to higher education/employment status Please click here to see the status of progression to higher education and employment for students in Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering.
Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering is located on the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Koganei Campus.
Directions by Train
Get off at JR Chuo Line "Higashi-Koganei Station", about 8 minutes' walk from the south exit, about 6 minutes' walk from the nonowa exit Detail is "Route from the nearest station" here Please take a look.
Take the JR Chuo line to Musashi-Koganei Station. Walk about 20 minutes to campus. For more information, please visit "Route from the nearest station" .
Contact information for inquiries about Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering.
〒184-8588 2-24-16 Nakamachi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering Office E-mail: cmci(a) [Please replace (a) with @]
Links to related department pages before reorganization
The Department of Chemical Systems Engineering operates its own website. If you would like more information about the Department of Chemical Systems Engineering, please take a look.
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering runs its own website. If you want to know more information about Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, please take a look.
The Department of Physical Systems Engineering operates its own website. If you would like to know more about the Department of Physical Systems Engineering, please take a look.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering runs its own website. If you want to know more information about Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, please take a look.