Sep. 26-28, 2024 At the Transdisciplinary Conference in Rusutsu, Saito-kun, Sato-san, Hagiri-san, Kambara-san, Kihara-kun, Fujita-san, Jiajue-kun, Prof. Iwabuchi, Prof. Takeuchi, and Prof. Hou gave poster presentations, and Prof. Kawano gave an oral session titled "Bottom-up Construction of De novo Cell Membrane Molecular Systems." Saito-kun and Kambara-san won the Best Presentation Award! Sep. 22, 2024 Prof. Kawamata from Kyoto University visited our lab for a discussion. Sep. 8-10, 2024 At the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan, held at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Sato-san, Nakata-san, Hagiri-san, Emura-kun, Ijuin-san, and Hirokawa-san gave oral presentations. Nakata-san received the Student Excellent Presentation Award! July 25, 2024 Dr Inoue, visiting from Johns Hopkins University, gave a lecture at the Gakuhen A 'Transcendental Molecular Systems' GIR seminar. Title: 'Crosstalk among cytoskeletons during cell migration'. July 24, 2024 At the Doctoral Advanced Program Research, D1 Fujita-san, Ren-san, Jiajue-kun, and Higashi-san gave presentations. July 12, 2024 At the Artificial Cell and Molecular Robot Research Meeting, D1 Jiajue-kun gave a presentation. Apr. 19, 2024 Ren-san from Kunming University of Science and Technology has joined us as a research student. Apr. 15, 2024 Prof. Aleksei Aksimentiev and Takuya Mabuchi visited and gave excellent talks on MD simulations in our lab. Their presentations were impressive and stimulating. We also had a great time enjoying a Tempura Soba lunch together! Apr. 3, 2024 Cho-san from BSL., University of Inha has joined us as a research student. Apr. 22-23, 2024 Dr. Kawano gave a presentation at the Pre-symposium of ISBC2024 in Nara, which was held as a co-organizer. Title: "Artificial cell membrane system constructed with microfabrication technology"
Mar. 26, 2024
Doctor's degrees were awarded to Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, and Takiguchi-kun, and Master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Hashimoto-san, and Fujita-san, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Sato-san, Shibayama-san, Hagiri-san, Nakada-san, and Emura-san.
Mar. 25, 2024
The research findings of Izumi-san and Jiajue-kun on the stability of liposomes using PEG lipids in seawater were featured in the Nikkei!
Mar. 19, 2024
The collaborative paper co-authored with Takeuchi Lab from the University of Tokyo and KISTEC has been accepted for publication in Small Structure.
Feb. 1, 2024
The graduation thesis presentation of the Department of Biotechnology was held, and Emura-kun, Sato-san, Shibayama-kun, Nakata-san, and Hagiri-san gave presentations.
Feb. 27, 2024
The joint press release was issued by TUAT and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology on the research results of Izumi-san and Jiajue-kun on the stability of liposomes using PEG-lipids in seawater!
Feb. 14, 2024
The final examination for the Ph.D. was held and Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, and Takiguchi-kun presented their research. Thank you for your hard work!
Feb. 10-14, 2024
Izumi-san, Yamaji-san, Hashimoto-san, Fujita-san gave poster presentations at BPS in Philadelphia.
Feb. 8, 2024
Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Hashimoto-san, and Fujita-san gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT.
Feb. 5, 2024
Izumi-san's public hearing of doctoral dissertation was held.
Feb. 5, 2024
An article about de novo designed peptide nanopore and cellfree synthesis by Dr. Kawano and Fujita-san were published by The Society of Chemical Engineers Japan (Vol. 88, No. 2).
Feb. 1, 2024
Dr. Mauro, who is visiting Japan from University of Rome Tor Vergata, gave a lecture at the GIR seminar of the "Cell-free molecular system"
Title: "Engineering nanopores to capture and analyze peptides via electroosmotic flow".
Jun. 26, 2023
Professor Mauro (University of Rome Tor Vergata) is visiting Kawano Lab. from today.
Jan. 26, 2024
Takiguchi-san's public hearing of doctoral dissertation was held.
Jan. 23, 2024
Takeuchi-san's public hearing of doctoral dissertation was held.
Jan. 19, 2024
A review article titled "Lipid vesicle-based molecular robots," primarily authored by Dr. Hou, was selected for Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2023! The paper was co-authored with groups from Prof. Di Michele at Cambridge University, Prof. Elani at Imperial College London, and Prof. Matsuura at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Jan. 10, 2024
The paper on the stability of liposomes using PEG lipids in seawater by Izumi-san and Jiajue-kun has been accepted by ACS Omega! This is a collaborative research with Prof. Ozaki from the Marine University.
Jan. 9, 2024
Numaguchi-san's research findings on the behavior of amyloid-beta in lipid membranes were press-released by TUAT!
Jan. 9, 2024
We held our kick-off meeting. Let's go into this year with great enthusiasm!
Jan. 6, 2024
We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Kawano Lab with a commemorative ceremony!
What happened on the day is here.
Jan. 1, 2024
Happy New Year! The Kawano Lab has reached its 10th anniversary, and we have started our 11th year!
Dec. 27, 2023
For participation in the 68th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting@Philadelphia, Hashimoto-san was selected for the 2023 Technical Exchange Grant Exchange Program [Overseas Dispatch] 3rd round by the Nakatani Foundation for Advancement of Measuring Technologies in Biomedical Engineering.
Dec. 26, 2023
A Commentary and Perspective article on the symposium "The fundamental and applications of single-molecule nanopore sensing for biophysical studies" at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan, co-authored by Dr. Kawano, Dr. Hou, Professor Yamazaki (Nagaoka University of Technology), and Professor Shoji (Nagaoka University of Technology), was published in the journal of Biophysics and Physicobiology.
Dec. 23, 2023
At the 9th Cybernics Research Meeting@The University of Tokyo Komaba Campus, Emura-kun, Sato-san, Shibayama-kun, Nakata-san, and Hakei-san gave oral presentations, while Dr. Hou, Iwabuchi-san, Takiguchi-kun, Yamaji-san, Suzuki-san, Fujita-san, and Ogawa-san gave poster presentations. Fujita-san won the Audience Prize!
Dec. 15, 2023
At the CREST Joint MTG at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Dr. Kawano gave an oral presentation. Additionally, Dr. Hou, Yamaji-san, Fujita-san, Ogawa-san, Sato-san, and Nakada-san gave poster presentaions.
Title: "Construction of a Nanopore System Using Peptides with De nono Designed Sequences"
Dec. 13, 2023
The paper by Numaguchi-san and Takeuchi-san, our alumni, on the real-time observation of amyloid beta oligomerization has been accepted by PNAS Nexus! This is the outcome of collaborative research with the Ikebukuro Lab of our university and the Suzuki Group at Mie University.
Dec. 12, 2023
A review paper on molecular robotics, with Dr. Hou as the lead author, was accepted in the RSC's Lab on a Chip! This is a collaborative paper between Mickele Lab from Cambridge University, Ealni Lab from Imperial College London, and Matsuura Lab from Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Dec. 11, 2023
Fujita-san has been selected for the International Exchange Support (Overseas Travel Fare Support) by Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu, in association with her participation in the 68th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in Philadelphia!
Nov. 23, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at the 42nd Chem Station V Symposium "Supramolecular Life Engineering Woven by Peptides and Membranes". Also, Yamaji-san and Fujita-san served as moderators for this symposium.
Title: "Design of peptides forming nanopores in lipid membranes and its application to protein sequences".
Nov. 14-16, 2023
At the 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan @Nagoya, Dr. Kawano served as the organizer of the Gakuhen (A) co-sponsored "The symposium of bottom-up creation of cell-free molecular systems: basic research toward social implementation" and Dr. Hou served as the organizer of the symposium "The fundamental and applications of single-molecule nanopore sencing for biophysical studies".
In addition, Dr. Hou, Yamaji-san, Hashimoto-an, Fujita-san, Ogawa-san, Emura-kun, Sato-san, Nakada-san, and Hagiri-san gave oral presentations, and Iwabuchi-kun and Kambara-san gave poster presentations. Sato-san received the Student Presentation Award!
Nov. 10, 2023.
Commentary and Perspective article on Transcendental Molecules Symposium @ 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan was published in Biophysics and Physicobiology.
Nov. 9, 2023
Collaborative research on antimicrobial peptides with the Division of Drugs, National Institute of Health Sciences have been accepted in Scientific Reports!
Nov. 6-9, 2023.
Dr. Kawano gave an invited talk at Black Forest Nanopore Meeting 2023@Freiburg. Takeuchi-san and Yamaji-san gave oral presentations, and Takiguchi-kun and Fujita-san gave poster presentations.
Takiguchi-kun received the Best Poster Award (3rd Place)!
Title: "De novo design of peptide nanopore"
Nov. 6-8, 2023
At Cheminas48@Kumamoto, Dr. Hou, Jiajue-kun, Nitta-kun, and Shibayama-kun made poster presentations.
Nov. 4, 2023
TeamNoKo, for which Mr. Iwabuchi served as a mentor, won Project Awards (Sliver) and Audience Favorite (2nd place) at BIOMOD2023!
Oct. 30, 2023
The collaborative research results on membrane permeation of microparticles by Dr. Kawano and Yamaji-san have been accepted by RCS PCCP! This is a joint research with Nakamura Lab. at Osaka City University.
Oct. 25, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at the Focus Session "Molecular Robotics Research Group" at the CBI Society 2023 Annual Meeting in Tokyo.
Title: "Construction of artificial membrane transporters forming nanopores".
Oct. 15-21, 2023
Jiajue-kun gave an oral presentation, and Takeuchi-san, Takagi-san, and Suzuki-san gave poster presentation at μTAS 2023.
Oct. 6, 2023
Jiajue-kun won the travel grant award from Yoshida Foundation for Science and Technology! This will allow him to participate in μTAS2023@Poland.
Oct. 3, 2023
A paper on the identification of upregulated and downregulated patterns of oral cancer-derived miRNAs using nanopores, authored by Takiguchi-kun and Kambara-san, has been accepted for the Supplementary cover of The Analytical Chemistry!
Sep. 27, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at the Molecular Motor Symposium at Tohoku University.
Title: "Electrical decoding of DNA computing using nanopores."
Sep. 25-26, 2023
At the Creating Cells Research Symposium 16.0, Suzuki-san gave a poster presentation and an oral presentation.
Sep. 21-23, 2023
At the Bottomup-biotech Wakate-kai@Kouyasan, Dr. Hou, Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Suzuki-san, Fujita-san, Ogawa-san, Suzuki-san, Kambara-san, and Sato-san gave poster presentations. Dr. Hou received the Young Researcher Division Poster Award, and Ogawa-san received the Student Division Poster Award!
Sep. 18, 2023
The research findings on microRNA expression pattern detection by Takiguchi-kun and Kambara-san have been published in The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun!
Sep. 13, 2023
The research findings on microRNA expression pattern detection by Takiguchi-kun and Kambara-san have been press released from TUAT! This is in collaboration with Tohoku University and Kagoshima University.
Sep. 12, 2023
Takeuchi-san, Takiguchi-kun, and Kambara-san gave a poster presentation at DNA29.
Sep. 6, 2023
Takeuchi-san gave an oral presentation at the Korea-Japan Joint Workshop of Bottom-up Synthetic Biology, organized by the Subgroup on Artificial Cell Models & Molecular Robotics of the Biophysical Society of Japan.
Sep. 3-5, 2023
Yamaji-san and Fujita-san gave oral presentations at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan.
Aug. 29, 2023
A paper on the recognition of upregulation and downregulation patterns of oral cancer-derived miRNAs using Takiguchi-kun and Kambara-san's nanopore research has been accepted in Analytical Chemistry! This is a collaborative research with Dr. Sugiura of Kagoshima University.
Aug. 28-29, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at the IPR & iCeMS Joint Seminar "Biological Chemistry on Membranes – Understanding and Engineering".
Title: "Artificial cell-membranes: from construction to nanopore applications".
Aug. 25, 2023
An article on body fluid diagnostics using DNA computing and nanopores, co-authored by Takeuchi-san, Takiguchi-kun, Kambara-san, and Dr. Kawano, was featured in the August 2023 issue of the Journal of the Society for Biotechnology Japan!
Aug. 3 2023
Prof. Lorenzo Di Michele (Cambridge Univ.) and Dr. James Hindley (Imperial College London) visited our lab for a discussion and seminar.In the evening, we enjoyed okonomiyaki together!
Aug. 2 2023
Jiajue and Zheng presented their theses at the International Master's Thesis Presentation, and Jiajue was awarded first prize (first place in his grade). Jiajue won the first prize (first place in his grade), congratulations!
Aug. 1, 2023
An article explaining liposomes, co-authored by Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Jiajue-kun, and Dr. Kawano, was published in the newsletter of the Biotechnology Division of the Chemical Society of Japan!
Jul. 26, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at JPrOS2023 (21th JHUPO).
Title: "Nanopore measurement for peptide fragments and its application to the proteome".
Jul. 25, 2023
Tada-san and Takeuchi-san's research on counting and extraction of DNA molecules using biological nanopores was introduced in EurekAlert.
Jul. 20, 2023
Dr. Inoue, who is visiting Japan from Johns Hopkins University, gave a lecture at the GIR seminar of the “Cell-free molecular system” (Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A))
Title: "Constructing and deconstructing RNA granules".
Jul. 19, 2023
The results of a collaborative research project between Demizu Lab. (National Institute of Health Sciences) and Hashimoto-san on antimicrobial peptides were accepted for publication in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering!
Jul. 11, 2023
Tada-san and Takeuchi-san's research on counting and extraction of DNA molecules using biological nanopores were introduced in the NIKKAN!
Jul. 7, 2023
Jiajue-san was accepted as a oral presenter, and Takeuchi-san, Suzuki-san and Takagi-san were accepted as poster presenters in MicroTAS 2023!
Jul. 5, 2023
TUAT press release on Tada-san and Takeuchi-san's research on counting and extraction of DNA molecules using biological nanopores!
Jul. 4, 2023
A paper on "Nanopore Filter: A Method for Counting and Extracting Single DNA Molecules using a Biological Nanopore" by Tada-san and Takeuchi-san was selected as the Supplementary cover picture of Analytical Chemistry!
Jun. 28-29, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at the 9th Symposium of the Young Meeting for Cell Biology.
Title: "Watching a Single Molecule with Nanopores"
Jun. 26, 2023
Professor Inoue (Johns Hopkins University) is visiting Kawano Lab. from today.
Jun. 24, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at Tokyo Young Polymer Scientists.
Title: "Artificially Building Cell Membranes: From Biosensing to Molecular Robotics."
Jun. 16-17, 2023
Dr. Kawano, Dr. Hou, Yamaji-san, and Fujita-san gave oral presentations, and Ogawa-san, Sato-san, and Nakada-san gave poster presentations at the CREST Joint MTG.
Jun. 16, 2023
Dr. Hou gave a lecture at The 6th NanoBio Meeting.
"Technology to connect humans and machines: Neural Interface"
Jun. 1, 2023
Sally-san from Gu Lab., University of Missouri has joined us as a research student.
May. 31, 2023
Tada-san and Takeuchi-san's paper on counting and extracting DNA molecules using biological nanopores has been accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry!
May. 13-14, 2023
Yamaji-san, Takagi-san, Kihara-kun, and Nitta-kun gave poster presentations at CHEMINAS47.
Apr. 21, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at JSEE Meeting@Kyoto.
"Construction of artificial cell membrane systems based on microfabrication technology"
Apr. 17, 2023
Iwabuchi-san's interview was posted on Chem-Station, a chemistry portal site.
Apr. 1, 2023
Iwabuchi-san from Tohoku University has been appointed as Gakushin PD!
Apr. 1, 2023
Fujita-san's paper was selected as a Featured Open Access Paper in the Japanese edition of ACS Insights!
Mar. 27, 2023
Suzuki-san gave a poster prensentation at joint symposium on Cell-free molecular system and Molecular cybernetics.
Mar. 24, 2023
Liu-san graduated from Kawano Lab, and Master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun, and Miyagi-san, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Ogawa-san, Kambara-san, Kihara-kun, Suzuki-san and Nitta-kun.
Mar. 2, 2023
Ogawa-san, Kambara-san, Kihara-san, Suzuki-san, and Nitta-san gave a presentation of Graduation thesis@TUAT.
Mar. 1, 2023
Liu-san won the president's prize at "Entrepreneur Challenge -Pitch competition-" by TUAT! Congratulations!
Feb. 28, 2023
A paper on "Cell-free expression of de novo designed peptides that form β-barrel nanopores" by Fujita-san was selected as the Supplementary cover feature of ACS Nano!
Feb. 24, 2023
Fujita-san's research results were published in the NIKKEI!
Feb. 18-22, 2023
Liu-san, Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Yamaji-san, Hayashi-san, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-san, Miyagi-san, Zheng-san, and Fujita-san gave poster presentations at BPS2023. Yamaji-san gave an oral presentation at Subgroup Symposium: The Nanoscale Approaches to Biology.
Feb. 13, 2023
TUAT press release on Izumi-san and Saito-san's research results on liposome deformation by membrane peptides!
Feb. 9, 2023
Fujita-san's research results were published in the electrial edition of NIKKEI!
Feb. 7, 2023
Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun, and Miyagi-san gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT.
Feb. 6, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on "Single Molecule Measurement of Nucleic Acid and Peptide Fragments Using Bio-Nanopores" at ATI Bio-Single Molecule Research Meeting.
Feb. 3, 2023
Press release from TUAT, Yokohama National University, and JST on Fujita-san's research results on cell-free synthesis of nanopore-forming β-barrel peptide SVG.
Jan. 31, 2023
Izumi-san and Saito-san's paper on liposome deformation using membrane peptides has been accepted to publish in Micromachines!
Jan. 27-28, 2023
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture, and Liu-san and Hayashi-kun gave a poster presentation at The 7th Liquid Biopsy@Tokyo.
Jan. 24, 2023
"MicroRNA detection at femtomolar concentrations with isothermal amplification and a biological nanopore" co-authored by Takiguchi-san and Dr. Kawano, has been published by Springer.
Jan. 16, 2023
Takeuchi-san gave an oral presentation at Nanopore Weekly Meeting.
"Pattern Recognition of microRNA Expression in Body Fluids Using Nanopore Decoding at Subfemtomolar"
Jan. 13, 2023
Dr. Jeon and Dr. Choi from Korea visited our lab!
Jan. 6, 2023
An article about Suzuki-san winning the Best Presentation Award at The 5th NanoBio Meeting was published on TUAT web site.
Jan. 4, 2023
"Peptide Structure: Electrophysiological Analysis, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis, and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Direct Penetration of Cell-Penetrating Peptides through Bilayer Lipid Membranes" shared written by Izumi-san, Saito-san, Dr. Kawano, and Kawamura Lab. (Yokohama National U.) was published in "Cell-Penetrating Peptides: Design, Development and Applications" by WILEY-VCH.
Jan. 3, 2023
A paper about cell-free synthesis of de novo designed nanopore by Fujita-san and Kawamura Lab. (Yokohama National U.) is now accepted in ACS Nano!
Jan. 1, 2023
A Happy New Year!! The 10th year of Kawano laboratory began.
Dec. 27, 2022
A review paper about diagnostic applications by fusion of nucleic acid detection using biological nanopores and DNA computing by Takiguchi-kun, Takeuchi-san and Dr. Kawano is now published by M&BE (Vol. 33, No. 4).
Dec. 26, 2022
Hayashi-kun won the travel grant award from Nakatani Foundation for advancement of measuring technologies in biomedical engineering!
Dec. 16-17, 2022
Ogawa-san, Kambara-san, Kihara-kun, Suzuki-san, Nitta-kun gave an oral presentation, and Takiguchi-kun, Yamaji-san, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun, Miyagi-san, Zheng-kun, Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Hashimoto-san, Fujita-san, gave a poster presentation at the 8th Cybounics@Nagaoka. Ogawa-san won a special award and Nitta-kun, Takagi-san, Mizoguchi-kun, Miyagi-san won an audience award!
Dec. 13, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at CEMS Topical Meeting Online.
"De novo design of nanopores reconstituted in bilayer lipid membrane"
Dec. 9, 2022
Miyagi-san won the travel grant award from Yoshida Foundation for Science and Technology!
Dec. 9, 2022
Dr. Kawano and Dr. Hou gave a lecture at The 5th NanoBio Meeting.
Also, Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Hashimoto-san and Fujita-san gave a poster presentation.
Takagi-san and Hashimoto-san won the Encouragement Award. Fujita-san won the Presentation Award and Suzuki-san won the Best Presentation Award!
Dec. 7, 2022
We joined softball and molkky tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab and Mori lab! The molkky tournament was held for the first time!
Dec. 5, 2022
Dr. Hou gave a lecture at The 32nd Annual Meeting of MRS-J.
Nov. 14-16, 2022
Takeuchi-san, Yamaji-san, Jiajue-kun, Suzuki-san gave a poster presentation at CHEMINAS46@Tokushima.
Nov. 12-13, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at The 6th Annual Meeting of Molecular Robotics.
Also, Suzuki-san gave an oral presentation and Izumi-san, Jiajue-kun and kambara-san gave a poster presentation.
Nov. 10, 2022
Mizoguchi-kun won the travel grant award from Marubun Research Promotion Foundation!
Oct. 26-28, 2022
Mizoguchi-kun, Zheng-kun, Ogawa-san, Suzuki-san gave a poster presentation at The 59th Japanese Peptide Symposium@Sendai.
Oct. 27, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at SCE2022@Tsuruoka.
Oct. 23-27, 2022
Iiro-san, Takeuchi-san and Takagi-san, gave a poster presentation at uTAS2022@Hangzhou, China.
Oct. 17-18, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture, and Kambara-san gave a poster presentation at Japanese Society for Cell Synthesis 15.0.
Oct. 3, 2022
A review paper about de novo designed peptides is now published by the journal of Biophysical Society of Japan!
Oct. 3, 2022
Dr. Hou was assumed Assistant Professor!
Oct. 3, 2022
Takiguchi-kun is selected as a scholarship student of NAKATANI FOUNDATION.
Oct. 1, 2022
A review paper on a "Nanopore Decoding for DNA Computing and Its Development for Diagnostic Applications" by Takiguchi-kun and Dr. Kawano is now published by POLYMERS(Vol.71,No.10).
Sep. 28-30, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture and organized a joint symposium "Construction of Higher-ordered Molecular Systems - How to Create Them? " collaborated with the “Cell-free molecular system” (Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)) and the “SPEED” (Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B)) at the 60th Biophysical Society of Japan@Hakodate.
"Artificial cell-membrane system: the construction of de novo nanopores"
Liu-san gave an oral presentation, and Iiro-san, Liu-san, Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Takiguchi-kun, Yamaji-san, Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun, Miyagi-san, Jiajue-kun, Zheng-kun, Suzuki-san, Hashimoto-san, Fujita-san, Kambara-san, Kihara-kun gave a poster presentation. Liu-san and Miyagi-san won Student Presentation Award!
Sep. 27-28, 2022
Bottomup-biotech Wakate-kai@Rusutsu was organized by a doctoral student of the Kawano Lab.
Liu-san, Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Takiguchi-kun, Yamaji-san, Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun, Miyagi-san, Suzuki-san, Hashimoto-san, Fujita-san, Kambara-san, Kihara-kun gave a poster presentation.
Sep. 25-27, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on the second meeting of bottomup-biotech@Rusutsu.
Aug. 30, 2022
A paper on "Pattern recognition of microRNA in body fluids using nanopore decoding at sub-femtomolar concentration" by Takeuchi-san and Hiratani-san has been selected as a noteworthy open-paper in the Japanese version of ACS Insight!
Aug. 22, 2022
A paper on "Pattern recognition of microRNA in body fluids using nanopore decoding at sub-femtomolar concentration" by Takeuchi-san and Hiratani-san became the Supplementary cover feature of JACS Au!
Aug. 22, 2022
"Nanopores for single molecule measurement and their potential as membrane gates" shared written by Takeuchi-san, Liu-san, Takiguchi-kun, and Dr. Kawano was published from Springer publishing.
Aug. 17, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on IMRC 2022@Mexico.
"Artificial cell-membrane: Construction of peptide nanopores with de novo design"
Aug. 8-12, 2022
Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation at DNA28@NewMexico.
Jul. 8, 2022
Dr. Iiro, Takeuchi-san, and Takagi-san were accepted as poster presentation
in MicroTAS 2022!
Jul. 7, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on NANO KOREA 2022@Korea
"Bottom-up construction of de novo designed nanopore using peptides"
Jul. 6, 2022
Dr. Iiro's interview was published in the JSPS Stockholm newsletter!
Jul. 6, 2022
We joined spring softball tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab. And, we finish second.
Jun. 28, 2022
Prof. Inoue(Inoue Lab.)gave a lecture at Joint seminar@TUAT. Also, many students in our laboratory gave a poster presentation.
Jun. 27, 2022
A study about pattern recognition of microRNA expression in body fluids using nanopore decoding at sub-femtomolar concentration by Takeuchi-san and Hiratani-san was introduced in EurekAlert.
Jun. 27, 2022
A study about pattern recognition of microRNA expression in body fluids using nanopore decoding at sub-femtomolar concentration by Takeuchi-san and Hiratani-san was press released from TUAT.
Jun. 20, 2022
"MicroRNA as Disease Biomarkers and its Applications for Medical Diagnosis" shared written by Takeuchi-san, Liu-san, Takiguchi-kun, Hayashi-kun, and Dr. Kawano was published from CMC publishing.
Jun. 20, 2022
Professor Inoue (Johns Hopkins University) is visiting Kawano Lab. from today.
Jun. 10, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture, and Yamaji-san, Mizoguchi-kun, Fujita-san, Ogawa-san gave a poster presentation on CREST Team Meeting@Yokohama National Univ.
Jun. 7, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan@Tsukuba.
”De novo design of nanopores and its application for molecular robotics”
May. 25, 2022
A paper on "Pattern Recognition of microRNA Expression in Body Fluids using Nanopore Decoding at Sub-femtomolar Concentration" by Takeuchi-san, and Hiratani-san is now accepted in JACS Au!
May. 21-22, 2022
Suzuki-san, Hashimoto-san, Fujita-san, Kihara-kun, and Nitta-kun gave an oral presentation at Cheminas45@Chuo Univ.
Mar. 25, 2022
Master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Usami-kun, Saito-san, Sato-kun, and Takiguchi-kun, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Hashimoto-san, Fujita-san and Mochizuki-kun.
Mar. 24, 2022
A paper on a "Effect of hydrophobic moment on membrane interaction and cell penetration of apolipoprotein E-derived arginine-rich amphipathic α-helical peptides" by Saito-san, Dr. Kawano and Dr. Haraya (National Institute of Health Sciences) is now published in Scientific Reports.
Mar. 8, 2022
We had a site visit for JST-CREST project @online.
Feb. 28, 2022
Suzuki-san, Takagi-san, Hashimoto-san, and Fujita-san gave a presentation of Graduation thesis@TUAT. Fujita-san got the best presentation award!
Feb. 19-23, 2022
Takeuchi-san, Usami-kun, Saito-san, Miyagi-san and Fujita-san gave a poster presentation at BPS 2022.
Feb. 10, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on 2022 AIST-KU Joint Workshop
"Bottom-up construction of nanopore with de novo designed peptides"
Feb. 7, 2022
Usami-kun, Saito-san, Sato-kun and Takiguchi-kun gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT.
Usami-kun got the best presentation award!
Jan. 28-29, 2022
Takeuchi-san gave a oral presentation at The 6th Liquid Biopsy.
Jan. 20, 2022
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on JST-CRDS workshop.
Jan. 1, 2022
A Happy New Year!! The 9th year of Kawano laboratory began.
Dec. 15, 2021
The essay on "Behind the paper: De Novo Design of a Nanopore for Single-Molecule Detection that Incorporates a β-Hairpin Peptide" by Shimizu-kun was introduced in Nature Portfolio Bioengineering Community. This news was press released from TUAT.
Dec. 14-15, 2021
Izumi-san, Usami-kun, Saito-san, Mizoguchi-kun, and Fujita-san gave a oral presentation on CREST Team Meeting@Konan Univ.. Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at the 4th Nano-Bio Meeting/Science Live Ticket.
Dec. 4, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on the kick-off meeting of the project of Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Reseach Area (A) "Bottom-up creation of cell-free molecular systems".
Dec. 3, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on the project of Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Reseach Area (A) "Multifaceted Proteins".
Dec. 1, 2021
A paper on "Pattern Recognition of microRNA Expression in Body Fluids using Nanopore Decoding at Sub-femtomolar Concentration" by Takeuchi-san and Hiratani-san is now preprinted in ChemRxiv!
Nov. 25-27, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture, and Takiguchi-kun and Fukuda-san gave a oral presentation at the 59th Biophysical Society of Japan. Takiguchi-kun won Student Presentation Award!
"De novo design of nanopore using transmembrane peptides"
Nov. 25, 2021
A study about de novo design of a nanopore for single-molecule detection that incorporates a β-hairpin peptide by Shimizu-kun, Usami-kun, Mizoguchi-kun, Usui Lab. (Konan U.) and Kawamura Lab. (Yokohama National U.) was introduced in EurekAlert.
Nov. 24, 2021
A study about de novo design of a nanopore for single-molecule detection that incorporates a β-hairpin peptide by Shimizu-kun, Usami-kun, Mizoguchi-kun, Usui Lab. (Konan U.) and Kawamura Lab. (Yokohama National U.) was press released from TUAT.
Nov. 23, 2021
A paper on "De novo design of a nanopore for single-molecule detection that incorporates a β-hairpin peptide" by Shimizu-kun, Usami-kun, Mizoguchi-kun, Usui Lab. (Konan U.) and Kawamura Lab. (Yokohama National U.) is now published in Nature Nanotechnology.
Nov. 10-12, 2021
Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation at ISNAC 2021.
Nov. 9-11, 2021
Hayashi-kun and Takagi-san gave a poster presentation at Cheminas44.
Nov. 8, 2021
Dr. Iiro joined us as a postdoctoral researcher!
Nov. 4-5, 2021
Suzuki-san gave a oral presentation and Izumi-san and Hashimoto-san gave a poster presentation at Cell Synth 14.
Oct. 20-22, 2021
Mizoguchi-kun and Fujita-san gave a poster presentation at The 58th Japanese Peptide Symposium.
Oct. 10-14, 2021
Liu-san gave a oral presentation and Takeuchi-san and Izumi-san gave a poster presentation at MicroTAS 2021.
Oct. 1, 2021
The "Bottom-up creation of cell-free molecular systems" area has been selected as Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Reseach Area (A). Kawano Lab. will participate as a leader of the C01 group.
Sep. 18, 2021
A paper on "Simple Fabrication of Solid-State Nanopores on a Carbon Film" by Takai-san and Dr. Shoji (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.) is now accepted in Micromachines!
Sep. 2, 2021
A study about single polypeptide detection using a translocon EXP2 nanopore by Miyagi-san and Takiguchi-kun was press released from TUAT.
Aug. 27, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on The Society for Biotechnology.
Aug. 18, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on the kick-off meeting of a sub group of Biophysical Society of Japan.
Aug. 7, 2021
A paper on "Single Polypeptide Detection using a Translocon EXP2 Nanopore" by Miyagi-san, Takiguchi-kun, and Yohda Lab. (TUAT) is now accepted in Proteomics!
Jul. 19, 2021
Liu-san was accepted as a oral presenter, and Izumi-san and Takeuchi-san were accepted as poster presenters in MicroTAS 2021!
Jun. 16, 2021
A paper on "Single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals penaeid shrimp hemocyte subpopulations and cell differentiation process" by Dr. Koiwai (TUMSAT) is now accepted in eLife!
Jun. 10, 2021
Usami-kun and Fujita-san gave a poster presentation at 7th Molecular Engine Meeting.
May 17-18, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture, and Liu-san, Takeuchi-san, Ji-kun, and Takagi-san gave a poster presentation at Cheminas43 (Online). Liu-san won Excellent Presentation Award!
May 13-14, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave an oral presentation, and Izumi-san and Fujita-san gave a poster presentation at 6th Molecular Engine Meeting.
Apr. 30, 2021
An Encyclopedia on “Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, New Sensing Technologies: Microtas/NEMS/MEMS” by Dr. Yasuga (Ochanomizu Univ.), Dr. Shoji (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Dr. Koiwai (TUMSAT) and Dr. Kawano is now published by Elsevier!
Mar. 26-29, 2021
Dr. Koiwai gave a lecture and poster presentation at The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (Online).
Mar. 25, 2021
Master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san, and Yamaji-san, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun and Miyagi-san.
Mar. 22, 2021
A study about nanopore decoding for a Hamiltonian path problem by Takiguchi-kun was press released from TUAT.
Mar. 4-5, 2021
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at Institute for Protein Research (IPR) of Osaka University (Online).
Mar. 1, 2021
A paper on "Nanopore Decoding for a Hamiltonian Path Problem" by Takiguchi-kun is now accepted in Nanoscale!
Mar. 1, 2021
Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun, Miyagi-san gave a presentation of Graduation thesis@TUAT.
Feb. 22-26, 2021
Liu-san gave a oral presentation at 65th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting.
Feb. 19, 2021
A book on "DNA-and RNA-Based Computing Systems, Chapter 17: Nanopore Decoding for DNA Computing" by Dr. Yasuga (Ochanomizu Univ.), Dr. Shoji (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), and Dr. Kawano is now published by Wiley.
Feb. 9, 2021
Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san and Numaguchi-san gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT (Online).
Feb. 6, 2021
A paper on "Lipid bilayer on a microdroplet integrated with a patterned Ag/AgCl microelectrode for voltage-clamp fluorometry of membrane transport" by Dr. Kawano and Tonooka Lab. (Kyoto Institute of Technology) is now accepted in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.
Feb. 6, 2021
Yamaji-san gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT (Online).
Jan. 22-23, 2021
Takeuchi-san gave a oral presentation at The 5th Japanese Society for the Study of Liquid Biopsy.
Jan. 13, 2021
A paper on a "Development of Antimicrobial Stapled Peptides Based on Magainin 2 Sequence" by Saito-san, Dr. Kawano and Demizu Lab. (National Institute of Health Sciences) is now accepted in Molecules!
Jan. 10, 2021
A paper on a "Single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals penaeid shrimp hemocyte subpopulations and cell differentiation process" by Dr. Koiwai is now preprinted in bioRxiv!
Jan. 7-8, 2021
MIzoguchi-kun and Miyagi-san gave a poster presentation at Molecular Engine Meeting.
Jan. 1, 2021
A Happy New Year!! The 8th year of Kawano laboratory began.
Dec. 23, 2020
Hatashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun and Miyagi-san gave a oral presentation and
Liu-san, Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san, Yamaji-san, Usami-kun, Saito-san,
Sato-kun, Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation at the 7th Saibounics Meeting (Online).
Dec. 16, 2020
A paper on "Rational Design of Helix-stabilized Antimicrobial Peptide Foldamers Containing α,α-Disubstituted Amino Acids or Side-Chain Stapling" by Saito-san, Dr. Kawano and
Demizu Lab. (National Institute of Health Sciences) is now accepted in ChemPlusChem!
Nov. 27, 2020
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture and Mizoguchi-kun and Miyagi-san gave a poster presentation
at Molecular Engine Meeting (Online).
Nov. 26, 2020
Liu-san won Excellent Student Scholarship in Doctoral program!
Nov. 20-21, 2020
Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Hayashi-kun, Fukuda-san, Mizoguchi-kun and Miyagi-san gave
a oral presentation at Meeting for the Study of Artificial Cell Membrane.
Nov. 9-11, 2020
Numaguchi-san, Usami-kun and Saito-san gave a oral presentation and Mizoguchi-kun gave
a poster presentation at The 57th Japanese Peptide Symposium (Online).
Nov. 8-9, 2020
Izumi-san and Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation at The 4th Annual Meeting of Molecular Robotics (Online). Takiguchi-kun won Young Scientist Award!
Nov. 2, 2020
A paper on "Analytical Model for Particle Capture in Nanopores Elucidates Competition
among Electrophoresis, Electroosmosis, and Dielectrophoresis" by Yamaji-san, Dr. Kawano and Dr. Mauro (Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata) is now accepted in ACS Nano!
Oct. 26-28, 2020
Takeuchi-san, Sato-kun and Hayashi-kun gave a poster presentation at Cheminas42 (Online). Hayashi-kun won Excellent Presentation Award!
Oct. 17, 2020
A paper on "Microfiber-shaped programmable materials with stimuli-responsive hydrogel" by Dr. Kawano with Onoe Lab. and Hori Lab. (Keio Univ.) is now accepted in Soft Robotics.
Oct. 9, 2020
Hiratani-san's paper on "DNA Logic Operation with Nanopore Decoding to Recognize MicroRNA Patterns in Small Cell Lung Cancer" is highlighted by Analytical Chemistry in
Virtual Issue "Advances in Microfluidics Research"!
Oct. 9-14, 2020
Dr. Kawano gave a keynote lecture at Nanopore Electrochemistry Meeting (Online).
"Nanopore decoding for DNA computing"
Oct. 4-9, 2020
Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation at ?TAS 2020 (Online).Oct. 1, 2020
Dr. Kawano was appointed to a professor!
Sep. 16-18, 2020
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture, and Izumi-san, Yamaji-san, Takiguchi-kun, Fukuda-san and Miyagi-san gave a poster presentation at The 58th Annual meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (Online). Miyagi-san won Student Presentation Award!
"Analysis of transmembrane peptides using a lipid bilayer system"
Sep. 2, 2020
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at 72nd SBJ Annual meeting (Online).
"Construction of the Nanopore with De Novo Designed Peptides"
Aug. 19, 2020
A review paper on a "Recent Advances in Liposome-Based Molecular Robots" by Dr. Shoji
(Nagaoka University of Technology, Shoji Lab.) is now accepted in Micromachines!
Aug. 19, 2020
A study about recognition of single-point-mutation using a biological nanopore by Liu-san
was introduced in EurekAlert.
Aug. 17, 2020
A study about recognition of single-point-mutation using a biological nanopore by Liu-san
was press released from TUAT.
Aug. 3, 2020
A paper on an "Analysis of membrane protein de-insertion-associated currents with nanoneedle-supported bilayers to discover pore formation mechanisms" by Dr. Shoji
(Nagaoka University of Technology, Shoji Lab.) is now accepted in Langmuir!
Jul. 31, 2020
Takiguchi-kun gave an oral presentation on the online meeting of molecular robotics.
Jul. 16, 2020
A paper on a "Microfluidic formation of honeycomb-patterned droplets bounded by interface bilayers via bimodal molecular adsorption" by Dr. Shoji, Dr. Kawano and Yanagisawa Lab (University of Tokyo) is now accepted in Micromachines!
This article will be published in Special Issue "Recent Advances of Molecular Machines and Molecular Robots". (Dr. Takinoue (Toyko tech.) and Dr. Kawano are the editors)
Jul. 15, 2020
Takiguchi-kun was accepted as a poster presenter in e-microTAS 2020.
Jul. 13, 2020
The collaborating research with Tanaka Lab. (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) was press released from TUAT.
Jul. 1, 2020
Ji Jiajue has joined us as a research student!
Jun. 30, 2020
A paper on a "Recessed Ag/AgCl Microelectrode-Supported Lipid Bilayer for Nanopore Sensing" by Dr. Shoji (Nagaoka University of Technology, Shoji Lab.) is now accepted in Anal. Chem.!
Jun. 26, 2020
A paper on a "Recognition of Single-Point-Mutation using a Biological Nanopore" by Liu-san is now accepted in Small Methods!
Jun. 20, 2020
A paper on a "Enhancement of direct membrane penetration of arginine-rich peptides by polyproline II helix structure" by Saito-san, Dr. Kawano and Saito Lab.
(Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) is now accepted in BBA - biomembranes!
Jun. 8, 2020
Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation on FNANO20 (Online).
May. 13, 2020
A paper on a "De Novo Design of a Nanopore for DNA Detection Incorporating a β-hairpin Peptide" by Shimizu-kun is now preprinted in ChemRxiv!
Apr. 8, 2020
A paper on a "Competing Roles of Two Kinds of Ligand during Nonclassical Crystallization of Pillared-Layer Metal-Organic Frameworks Elucidated Using Microfluidic Systems" by Hiratani-san, Dr. Shoji, Dr. Kawano and Tanaka Lab. (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) is now accepted in Chem. Eur. J.!
Apr. 1, 2020
Dr. Koiwai was assumed Assistant Professor!
Zheng Kaiyi has joined us as a research student!
Mar. 25, 2020
Master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Shimizu-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Usami-kun, Saito-san, Sato-kun and Takiguchi-kun.
Mar. 24, 2020
A paper on a "Dynamic behavior of an artificial protein needle contacting a membrane
observed by high-speed atomic force microscopy" by Takai-san, Dr. Kawano with Ueno Lab. (Tokyo tech.), Furuta Lab. (Tokyo tech.), Uchihashi Lab. (Nagoya University) is now accepted in Nanoscale!
Mar. 6, 2020
A paper about the study of nanopore probe conducted by Matsushita-kun, Takai-san
and Dr. Shoji became the Supplementary cover feature of J. Phys. Chem. B.!
Feb. 28, 2020
Usami-kun, Saitou-san, Satou-kun, Takiguchi-kun gave a presentation of Graduation thesis@TUAT.
Feb. 24, 2020
Takiguchi-kun was accepted as a poster presenter in FNANO 2020!
Feb. 15-19, 2020
Takai-san gave an oral presentation and Shimizu-kun, Izumi-san and Yamaji-san gave a poster presentation on 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society@San Diego.
We visited Yamanaka Lab. @UC Riverside.
Feb. 8, 2020
A paper about biological nanopore probe by Matsushita-kun, Takai-san and Dr. Shoji is now accepted in J. Phys. Chem. B.!
Feb. 6, 2020
Shimizu-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT.
Shimizu-kun got the best presentation award!
Feb. 2, 2020
Park-san (Kim Lab., Sungkyunkwan University) was assigned as a visiting scholar.
Jan. 17-18, 2020
Takeuchi-san gave an oral presentation and Liu-san gave a poster presentation on Liquid Biopsy.
Jan. 9-10, 2020
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture and Usami-kun and Sato-kun gave a poster presentation on The 3rd Molecular Engine Area Meeting@Chiba.
Jan. 8, 2020
Usami-kun and Sato-kun gave a poster presentation on The 1st International Symposium on Molecular Engine@Chiba.
Jan. 6, 2020
Aileen-san (Imperial College London) was assigned as an international intern.
Jan. 1, 2020
A Happy New Year!! The 7th year of Kawano laboratory began.
Dec. 20-21, 2019
Liu-san, Usami-kun, Sato-kun, Saito-san and Takiguchi-kun gave an oral presentation and
Shimizu-kun, Takai-san, Tada-san, Izumi-san, Numaguchi-san and Yamaji-san gave a poster presentation @Saibounics.
Liu-san, Sato-kun and Takiguchi-kun won a special award, Usami-kun and Takai-san won an audience award.
Nov. 19-21, 2019
Takai-san and Sato-kun gave a poster presentation on CHEMINAS40@Shizuoka.
Takai-san won excellent presentation award!
Nov. 18, 2019
Takeuchi-san came back from short-term studying at the University of Helsinki.
Nov. 14-15, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on Microfluidics & Organ-on-a Chip Asia 2019@Tokyo.
Nov. 4-5, 2019
Dr. Kawano, Liu-san, Takeuchi-san and Numaguchi-san gave a lecture on Workshop on Microfluidic Lipid Bilayer System and Organ-on-a-chips@Univ. of Helsinki.
Ryuji Kawano “Artificial Cell-membrane System Constructed by Microfluidic Technologies”
Yuri Numaguchi “Electrophysiological Analysis of Aβ42 in Planar Lipid Bilayer Imitating Nervous Cell-Membrane”
Nanami Takeuchi “Nanopore decoding for microRNA pattern of cancer with DNA computation”
Ping Liu “Specific Detection of Point-Mutation-Position Using Biological Nanopore”
Nov. 1-2, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on Imperial Seminer@Imperial College London.
"De Novo Design of Transmembrane Peptides Constructed in Artificial Cell Membrane System"
Oct. 29-31, 2019
Tada-san and Takiguchi-kun gave a poster presentation on ISNAC@Tokyo.
Oct. 27-31, 2019
Takeuchi-san and Numaguchi-san gave an oral presentation and Liu-san gave a poster presentation on MicroTAS2019@Basel.
Oct. 24-25, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on DNA Nanotechnology Workshop@LJP, Paris.
"Nanopore decoding for DNA computation"
Oct. 23-25, 2019
Shimizu-kun, Izumi-san, Numaguchi-san, Usami-kun and Saito-san gave a poster presentation on The 56th Japanese Peptide Symposium@Tokyo. Shimizu-kun won Award for Excellence at Poster Presentation!
Oct. 17-18, 2019
Izumi-san and Takeuchi-san gave a poster presentation on Japanese Society for Cell Synthesis Research@Ehime.
Oct. 5, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at 26th Peptide Forum@Tottori.
Sep. 24-26, 2019
Liu-san, Shimizu-kun, Tada-san, Yamaji-san and Usami-kun gave a poster presentation on The 57th Annual Meeting of The Biophysical Society of Japan@Miyazaki. Liu-san, Yamaji-san and Usami-kun won Travel Grant, and Shimizu-kun and Tada-san won Student Presentation Award!
Sep. 20, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a seminar, and Shimizu-kun and Saito-san gave a poster presentation on the 3rd Science live ticket@Konan Univ. Saito-san won excellent presentation award!
Sep. 2, 2019
A paper about Osmotic-Engine-Driven Liposomes by Dr. Shoji
is now accepted in Lab on a Chip!
Aug. 24, 2019
A review about the study of artificial cell membrane by Takeuchi-san, Izumi-san, Dr. Shoji and Dr. Kawano is now accepted in Membrane.
Aug. 10, 2019
Liu-san were accepted as a poster presenter in MicroTAS2019@Basel.
Jul. 26, 2019
A study about DNA origami nanoplate-based emulsion by Dr. Takinoue (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Dr. Kawano is now accepted in Angew. Chem.!
Jul. 24, 2019
A paper about Antimicrobial Peptides by Saigo-kun and Izumi-san is now
accepted in ACS Omega!
Jul. 18, 2019
Takeuchi-san gave a poster presentation on The RNA Meeting 2019.
Jul. 9, 2019
Liu-san is selected as a scholarship student of TAKAYAMA INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION.
Jul. 4, 2019
Kamimura-san joined us as a GIYSE program student.
Jul. 2, 2019
Takeuchi-san and Numaguchi-san were accepted as oral presenters (acceptance rate: 8.7%) in MicroTAS2019@Basel.
Jun. 14, 2019
A study about diagnostics of cancer with DNA computing was published in NIKKEI.
Jun. 12, 2019
We joined softball tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab and Mori lab.!
May 27-28, 2019
Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san, Usami-kun, Saito-san, Sato-kun and Takiguchi-kun gave
a poster presentation on Cheminas39@Kanazawa.
May 24-25, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture and Shimizu-kun, Izumi-san and Yamaji-san gave a poster presentation on Molecular Engine.
May 9-10, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at The 41st Annual Meeting of The Membrane Society of Japan.
May 2, 2019
The "MoLecular Robotics" shared written by Takai-san, Tada-san, Takeuchi-san and Dr. Kawano was published from Amazon.
Apr. 24, 2019
A study about Bombinin was released from EurekAlert!
Apr. 16, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture at School and Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Apr. 16, 2019
A study about Bombinin was press released form TUAT and Yokohama National University.
Apr. 3, 2019
We held cherry blossom viewing and tea party!
Mar. 28, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on SPIRITS Int. Symp.@Kyoto.
The title was "Artificial Cell Membrane System Integrated by Microfluidic Technologies".
Mar. 26, 2019
A graduation ceremony and degree ceremony was held and master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Saigo-kun, Tamoysu-kun and Matsushita-kun, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san and Yamaji-san.
Mar. 20-23, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on The 139th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan@Chiba. The title was "Construction of membrane molecule evaluation system using Artificial Cell Membrane System".
Mar. 14-15, 2019
Dr. Shoji gave an oral presentation and Saigo-kun, Tamotsu-kun, Matsushita-kun,
Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san and Yamaji-san gave a poster presentation on Molecular Robotics @ Tokyo Tech. Dr. Shoji, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san won the Young Scientist Award.
Mar. 13, 2019
A study about Nanoneedle-Probe conducted by Dr. Shoji was published in Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun.
Mar. 5, 2019
Dr. Iiro (University of Helsinki) were assigned as a visiting scholar.
Welcome to Kawano Lab.!
Mar. 1, 2019
Izumi-san, Takeuti-san, Numaguchi-san, Yamaji-san gave a presentation of Graduation thesis@TUAT.
Feb. 28, 2019
A paper about the study of Bombinin conducted by Sekiya-kun became the Supplementary cover feature of ACS Applied Bio Materials.
Feb. 22, 2019
A study about Nananeedle-Probe conducted by Dr. Shoji was press released from TUAT.
Feb. 20, 2019
A paper on the "Electrophysiological Analysis of Membrane Disruption by Bombinin and its Isomer using Lipid Bilayer System" by Sekiya-kun, Shimizu-kun and Dr. Kawamura (Yokohama National University) is now accepted in ACS Applied Bio Materials!
Feb. 7, 2019
Saigo-kun, Tamotsu-kun and Matsushita-kun gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT.
Feb. 7, 2019
A paper on the "Spatially Resolved Chemical Detection with a Nanoneedle-Probe-Supported Biological Nanopore" by Dr. Shoji and Dr. White is now accepted in ACS Nano!
Jan. 27-31, 2019
Dr. Shoji gave an oral presentation on MEMS2019@Korea.
Jan. 18-19, 2019
Takeuchi-san gave a poster presentation on The 3rd Liquid Biopsy@Tokyo.
Jan. 12-16, 2019
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on Nanopore Research Retreat@Boston and Ludlow. The title was "Stable Lipid Bilayer Formation using Microfabrication and Its Applications."
Jan. 1, 2019
A Happy New Year!! The 6th year of Kawano laboratory began.
Dec. 19, 2018
Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san and Yamaji-san gave an oral presentation and Saigo-kun, Shimizu-kun and Liu-san gave a poster presentation on 5th Cyborgnics@Keio univ. Numaguchi-san won a special award and Takeuchi-san won an audience award.
Dec. 13, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave a presentation and Tamotsu-kun, Matsushita-kun, Takai-san, Tada-san and Takeuchi-san gave a poster presentation on Nanopore Symposium@TUAT.
Dec. 3-7, 2018
Saigo-kun, Shimizu-kun, Numaguchi-san gave a poster presentation on 10th International Peptide Symposium@Kyoto.
Nov. 19-20, 2018
Professor White@Univ. of Cincinnati visited Kawano Lab. He gave a lecture on Institute of Global Innovation Research Symposium 2018@TUAT.
Nov. 17, 2018
Tamotsu-kun gave an oral presentation on The 5th Molecular Robotics conference for younger@Tokyo Tech.
Nov. 11-15, 2018
Shimizu-kun gave an oral presentation and Takai-san and Izumi-san gave a poster presentation on Micro TAS@Taiwan.
Nov. 7-9, 2018
Tada-san and Takeuchi-san gave a poster presentation on ISNAC2018@Kyoto Univ.
Nov. 5, 2018
A paper on the "Electrophysiological measurement of ion channels on plasma/organelle membranes using an on-chip lipid bilayer system" by Takeuchi lab. (KISTEC, Tokyo Univ.) and Dr. Kawano is now accepted in Scientific Reports!
Oct. 31, 2018
We joined autumn softball tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab. and Mori lab.!
Oct. 30, 2018
Dr. Shoji was accepted as an oral presenter in MEMS2019@Korea!
Oct. 18-19, 2018
Shimizu-kun and Izumi-san gave a poster presentation on The 11th symposium for Cell Synthesis Research@Tohoku univ.
Oct. 16, 2018
Dr. Kawano was commended by the Dean of TUAT!
Oct. 12, 2018
The 3rd graders were assigned as new member. Welcome to Kawano Lab.!
Sep. 15-17, 2018
Matsushita-kun gave a oral presentation and liu-san and Yamaji-san gave a poster presentation on The 56th Annual Meeting of The Biophysical Society of Japan@Okayama.
Sep. 14-15, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on The 28th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Oral Medicine & The 31st Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Oral Diagnosis / Oral Medicine@Yokohama and received a commendation.
Aug. 31-Sep.1, 2018
Laboratory camp took place at Yamanashi. We enjoyed caving and hiking!
Aug. 19-23, 2018
Dr. Shoji gave a presentation on 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition@Boston.
Aug. 7, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave a presentation on NCNP-TUAT joint symposium@TUAT.
Aug. 2, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave a lecture on The 2nd ExCELLS seminar@Okazaki. He visited Sato Lab. and Iino Lab.
Aug. 1, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave a seminar and Shimizu-kun, Izumi-san and Numaguchi-san gave a poster presentation on the 2nd Science live ticket@Konan Univ. Shimizu-kun and Izumi-san won encouragement award. Numaguchi-san won excellent presentation award.
Jul. 26, 2018
A paper about the study of penetrating peptide conducted by Sekiya-kun and Shimizu-kun became the inside front cover of Analyst! The news is posted by web page of Molecular robotics.
Jul. 22, 2018
A paper on the "Nanopore Decoding of Oligonucleotides in DNA Computing" by Dr. Kawano is now accepted in Biotechnology Journal! (invited review)
Jul. 12, 2018
A study about diagnostics of small cell lung cancer with DNA computing by Hiratani-san was press released from TUAT.
Jul. 12, 2018
Shoji-san is selected as one of the Excellent Young Researchers candidates!
Jul. 3, 2018
Takai-san and Izumi-san were accepted as poster presenters, and Shimizu-kun was accepted as an oral presenter in MicroTAS2018@Taiwan.
Jun. 6, 2018
We joined spring softball tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab. and Mori lab.!
May 30, 2018
A paper on the "Spring-shaped stimuli-responsive hydrogel actuator with large deformation" by Onoe lab. and Dr. Kawano is now accepted in Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical!
May 30, 2018
Shimizu-kun and Tada-san gave a poster presentation on 4th TUAT-NCNP Joint Symposium @Tokyo.
May 26, 2018
Tada-san gave an oral presentation on Meeting of Molecular Robotics@Tokyo.
May 21-22, 2018
Takai-san, Liu-san, Izumi-san, Takeuchi-san, Numaguchi-san and Yamaji-san gave a poster presentation on 37th CHEMINAS
May 18, 2018
A paper on the "Microfluidic Formation of Double-stacked Lipid Bilayers by Controlling the Water-Oil Interface" by Dr. Shoji is now accepted in Micromachines!
Apr. 28, 2018
A paper on the "Channel Current Analysis Estimates the Pore-formation and the Penetration of Transmembrane Peptides" by Sekiya-kun, Shimizu-kun and Dr. Usui (Konan Univ.) is now accepted in Analyst!
Apr. 27, 2018
A paper on the "DNA logic operation with nanopore decoding recognizes microRNA patterns in small cell lung cancer" by Hiratani-san is now accepted in Analytical Chemistry!
Apr. 3, 2018
We held cherry blossom viewing with Yanagisawa lab.
Mar. 27, 2018
A graduation ceremony and degree ceremony was held and master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Sekiya-kun and Hiratani-san, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Shimizu-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san.
Mar. 5-6, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave an oral presentation and Shimizu-kun and Takai-san gave a poster presentation on Molecular Robotics@Sendai. Shimizu-kun got the Young Researcher Poster Award.
Mar. 1-2, 2018
Dr. Kawano gave a seminar on Symposium on institute for Protein Research@Osaka Univ.
Feb 21, 2018
Shimizu-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san gave a presentation of Graduation thesis@TUAT.
Tada-san got the best presentation award.
Feb 16, 2018
A review paper about the study of molecular robotics conducted by Dr. Kawano became the cover feature of ChemPhysChem.
Feb. 06, 2018
Sekiya-kun and Hiratani-san gave a presentation of master thesis@TUAT.
Hiratani-san got the best presentation award.
Feb. 01, 2018
Kick-off of Kawano-lab. Studies of 3rd grades started!
Jan. 20, 2018
Hiratani-san and Tada-san gave a poster presentation on Liquid Biopsy@Tokyo.
Jan. 17, 2018
A paper about the study of molecular recognizing microfluidics with Prof. Miyata (Kansai Univ.) was accepted in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering.
Jan. 09, 2018
Okabe-san joined us as a technical staff.
Jan. 03, 2018
A paper about the study of cell arrays with Kamiya-san (KISTEC) and Prof. Takeuchi (KISTEC, Tokyo Univ.) was accepted in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
Jan. 01, 2018
The 5th year of Kawano laboratory began.
Dec. 01, 2017
Shimizu-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san gave an oral presentation and Saigo-kun, Tamotsu-kun and Matsushita-kun gave a poster presentation on the 4th Cyborgnics@TUAT. Saigo-kun and Tada-san won excellent dawn research award. Shimizu-kun won excellent research presentation award.
Nov. 20-22, 2017
Sekiya-kun, Saigo-kun and Shimizu-kun gave a poster presentation on Peptide symposium@ Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Dr. Kawano gave a seminar on Kiriya lab. @Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Nov. 20, 2017
Dr. Shoji has gone to study abroad at University of Cincinnati. Good luck!
Nov. 17, 2017
The tenure-track symposium which Mr. Kawano served as the executive committee was held at TUAT.
Nov. 9, 2017
A review paper about the study of molecular robotics conducted by Dr. Kawano was accepted in ChemPhysChem. It is the first single-author paper of my life (by Dr. Kawano).
Nov. 1, 2017
We joined autumn softball tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab. And, we finally won the first victory!!!
Oct. 22-26, 2017
In MicroTAS 2017@Georgia, U.S., Hiratani-san gave an oral presentation. Dr. Shoji, Tamotsu-kun, Matsushita-kun, Shimizu-kun and Tada-san gave a poster presentation.
Oct. 13, 2017
A study about detection method for ultra low concentration microRNA conducted by Hiratani-san and Zhang-san was press released from TUAT.
Oct. 5, 2017
A paper about protein detection nanopore conducted by Watanabe-kun, Takai-san and Dr. Mauro (Univ. of Rome) was accepted in Analytical Chemistry.
Sep. 25, 2017
A paper about the detection of fM miRNAs conducted by Hiratani-san, Zhang-san(Veterinary Medicine, TUAT) and Dr. Nagaoka(Veterinary Medicine, TUAT) was accepted in RSC Nanoscale.
Sep. 25, 2017
The 35th Summer School of Electrochemical Society organized by our laboratory was held. Shimizu-kun and Shoji-san had nice work! And finally, Hiratani-san won a poster award as usual!
Sep. 22, 2017
2nd Japan-Korea International Symposium on Cyborgnics: Integration between cell and electronics was held in Beppu. Hiratani-san won "BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARD". Thank you very much for all the participants!
Sep. 10, 2017
Dr. Kawano organized a special event "State of the art of Medical Diagnostic Technology Using Biological Functions" and gave a talk on there@Nagasaki Univ. The title was "Development of Artificial Cell Membrane System to Medical Diagnosis Technology".
Sep. 9, 2017
Dr. Kawano gave an invited talk on special symposium "State of the art of Nano-micro Chemical Analysis" at the 66th Japan Analytical Chemistry@Katsushika campus of Tokyo univ. of science. The title was "Nano-micro Chemical Analysis Using Artificial Cell Membrane System".
Sep. 1, 2017
Laboratory camp was held in Minakami, Gunma prefecture. In this year, we exercised downhill and canyoning.
Aug. 31, 2017
The "Liquid Biopsy" shared written by Tamotsu-kun, Hiratani-san and Dr. Kawano was published from CMC.
Aug. 28, 2017
A paper about the study of identification for new insect derived membrane protein channels with Prof. Ya (Mahidol Univ.) and Prof. Tanaka (Tohoku Univ.) was accepted in BBA- Biomembranes.
Jul. 24, 2017
Dr. Kawano was introduced in ACS Synthetic Biology the page of Introducing Our Authors.
Jul. 15, 2017
Hiratani-san, Tamotsu-kun, Shimizu-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san gave a poster presentation on Molecular robotics final symposium@ Tokyo.
Jul. 09, 2017
Shoji-san, Tamotsu-kun, Matsushita-kun and Tada-san were accepted as poster presenter (acceptance rate: 72%), and Hiratani-san was accepted as oral presenter (acceptance rate: 9.3%) in MicroTAS2017@Savannah.
Jun. 29, 2017
A paper about droplets DNA logic gate conducted by Yasuga-kun and Inoue-kun (Keio Univ.) was accepted in PLOS ONE. It was an achievement of the collaborative study with KISTEC, Keio Univ., Tokyo Tech.
Jun. 13, 2017
A study about artificial ionic channel was posted in Chem-Station that is a chemical portal site.
May 31, 2017
We joined softball tournament of life science and biotechnology department with Nakazawa lab.
May 22-23, 2017
Shoji-san, Saigou-kun, Tamotsu-kun, Matsushita-kun, Takai-san and Tada-san gave poster presentation on CHEMINAS 35@Tokyo tech.
May 15, 2017
The achievement of the study about nanopore DNA logic operation was press released from TUAT.
Apr. 17, 2017
The study about nanopore DNA logic operation conducted by Ohara-kun was accepted by ACS Synthetic Biology. It was the joint achievement with Takinoue laboratory of Tokyo Tech.
Apr. 10, 2017
The study about stimuli-responsive gel fiber with Onoe lab. was accepted by the Soft Matter.
Apr. 7, 2017
We held cherry blossom viewing with Yanagisawa lab.
Apr. 1, 2017
Liu Ping has joined us as a research student.
Mar. 31, 2017
We participated to a ski trip with Okumura lab. of Ochanomizu University.
Mar. 24, 2017
A graduation ceremony and degree ceremony was held and master's degree (engineering) was awarded to Ohara-kun and Watanabe-kun, and bachelor's degree (engineering) was awarded to Saigou-kun, Tamotsu-kun and Matsushita-kun.
Mar. 18, 2017
Kawano gave a talk on "Asian International Symposium" at special event of the 97th annual meeting of Chemical Society of Japan@Keio Univ.
Mar. 16, 2017
Kawano gave a talk on "the chemistry challenging for analysis of the innovative cell system" at special event of the 97th annual meeting of Chemical Society of Japan@Keio Univ.
Mar. 13, 2017
Watanabe-kun returned from the Univ. of Maryland.
Mar. 12, 2017
Shoji-san, Matsushita-kun and Tamotsu-kun gave a poster presentation at final area meeting of Molecular Robotics@Tokyo Univ.
Mar. 10, 2017
The collaborative research about artificial ion channel with Prof. Furukawa (Kyoto Univ.), Prof. Kitagawa (Kyoto Univ.) and Prof. Takeuchi (KAST, Tokyo Univ.) were published in "Chem" which is a new chemical journal of Cell Press, and were made press release by TUAT!
Feb. 23, 2017
The results of research about theranostics which give diagnosis and treatment for cancer at the same time were got coverage in Nikkei industry newspaper.
Feb. 13, 2017
Molecular Robotics Initiative was accepted to master plan of Science Council of Japan.
Feb. 11, 2017
Press release of the study about theranostics conducted by Hiratani-san was placed in Nikkei web!
Feb. 10, 2017
Hiratani-san's study about theranostics was press released from university!
Jan. 30, 2017
Kick-off of Kawano-lab. Studies of 3rd grades started!
Jan. 27, 2017
Hiratani-san's paper about theranostic system for small cell lung cancer by detecting miRNA from cancer cell and releasing medicine was accepted in Analytical Chemistry.
Jan. 25, 2017
Prof. M. Hamada (Waseda University)gave a seminar about "Analysis for the function of long non-coding RNA by RNA bioinformatics" for us.
Jan. 4, 2017
A happy new year!
The 4th year of Kawano lab. is now starting!
Dec. 20, 2016
Saigou-kun, Tamotsu-kun and Matsushita-kun gave oral presentation and Hiratani-san and Sekiya-kun gave poster presentation on The 3rd Research Conference of Saibounics@Suzukake Campus of Tokyo Tech. Matsushita-kun won award.
Nov. 30, 2016
Kawano gave a talk on TAMA Association's Medical Innovation Forum @Hachiohji.
Nov. 25-27, 2016
The 54th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan @Tsukuba International Congress Center. All M1 and B4 member gave poster presentation. Hiratani-san won Student Presentation Award!
Nov. 16, 2016
A paper about the study of translocon with Yohda laboratory was accepted in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC).
Nov. 14, 2016
Hiratani-san gave a poster presentation on The 6th CSJ Chemistry Festa@Tower Hall Funabori.
Nov. 9, 2016
We participated in the Biotechnology and Life Science softball tournament with Nakazawa laboratory.
Nov. 8, 2016
Dr. Kawano gave a talk on MNC2016 (29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)@Kyoto.
Nov. 7, 2016
Dr. Kawano gave a talk at Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research.
Oct. 26-28, 2016
Watanabe-kun, Sekiya-kun and Saigo-kun gave a poster presentation on The 53rd Japanese Peptide Symposium@Kyoto Terrsa.
Oct. 25-27, 2016
Shoji-san gave a poster presentation on Chem-Bio Informatics Society Annual Meeting 2016@Tower Hall Funabori.
Oct. 24, 2016
Shoji-san won the 2016th research grant from The Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications.
Oct. 21, 2016
The 3rd graders were assigned as new member, and their laboratory experiment started.
Oct. 19, 2016
The study about miRNA nanopore detection of Hiratani-san was appeared in the Nikkei Business Daily!
Oct. 14, 2016
A paper about the study of channel complex synthesis with Prof. Furukawa (Kyoto Univ.) and Prof. Kitagawa (Kyoto Univ.) was accepted in the journal Inorganic Chemistry.
Oct. 9-13, 2016
All lab members gave presentation on MicroTAS 2016@Dublin, Ireland. Ohara-kun was oral and the other members were poster.
Watanabe-kun, Sekiya-kun, Hiratani-san and Tamotsu-kun were selected to the candidate of poster award. Hiratani-san and Tamotsu-kun advanced to second stage of screening. Finally, Hiratani-san won the CHEMINAS Young Researcher Poster Award! In four of 721 people, it was the only splendid achievement in Asians!
Oct. 2-7, 2016
Dr. Kawano gave an invited lecture, Shoji-san and Watanabe-kun gave oral presentation on PRiME 2016@Hawaii.
Sep. 28. 2016
A joint study exchange meeting and BBQ party of the laboratory of tenure track by the department of agriculture and engineering were held.
Sep. 28. 2016
About the presentation of MicroTAS 2016, Ohara-kun, Watanabe-kun, Tamotsu-kun, Hiratani-san and Shoji-san won travel grant award from Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) (Ohara-kun), Yoshida Foundation for Science and Technology (watanabe-kun) and the Society for Chemistry, Micro Nano System (CHEMINAS) (Tamotsu-kun), Nakatani Foundation for advancement of measuring technologies in biomedical engineering (Hiratani-san) and Suzuki Foundation (Shoji-san).
About the presentation of PRiME 2016, Shoji-san won travel grant award from the Electrochemical Society of Japan.
Sep. 20. 2016
Dr. Kawano gave a talk on the cooperation symposium with National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry @TUAT
Sep. 8-9, 2016
All lab members gave a presentation on the summer seminar of Electrochemical Society of Japan. Watanabe-kun and Hiratani-san won a prize.
Sep. 1-2, 2016
We went to Chichibu for camp. We enjoyed caving for three hours.
Aug. 25-28, 2016
Saigo-kun gave a poster presentation on the 18th Meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan@Tokyo Tech.
Aug. 12, 2016
We held a summer party.
Aug. 7-10, 2016
Shoji-san gave an oral presentation on The IEEE ICMA 2016@Harbin and awarded Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics.
Jul. 24-25, 2016
Shoji-san gave a talk presentation on the July Meeting of Molecular Robotics @Nagasaki
Jun. 28, 2016
The paper about "micro-needles" collaborated with Prof. Heo (TUAT) and Prof. Shimoyama (U of Tokyo) is accepted in Microsystems & Nanoengineering (Nature Publishing Group)!
Jun. 25, 2016
All lab members are accepted in MicroTAS2016. Ohara-kun will give a oral presentation (acceptance ratio=9%) in there!
Jun. 14, 2016
The paper about "asymmetric vesicles" collaborated with Prof. Takeuchi group (KAST) is accepted in Nature Chemistry!
Jun. 1, 2016
Ms. Miyazawa joined us as a technical stuff.
Apr. 25-26, 2016
Four students gave a poster presentation on the 33rd CHEMINAS@U of Tokyo.
Apr. 1, 2016
Dr. Shoji-san joined us as a post doctorial fellow.
Mar. 14-16, 2016
Dr. Kawano gave an oral presentation, and Ohara-kun, Watanabe-kun, Sekiya-kun and Hiratani-san gave a poster presentation on the 7th Meeting of Molecular Robotics @Gamagori.
Mar. 6-10, 2016
Dr. Kawano gave a talk on PITTCON 2016 @Atlanta, USA.
Feb. 5, 2016
The paper about DNA unzipping by Ohara and Sekiya was accepted in Electrochemistry!
Feb. 4, 2016
The paper about DNA logic gate (NAND) by Yasuga (KAST), Prof. Takeuchi (UT), and Prof. Takinoue (Tokyo Tech.) was accepted in PLOS ONE!
Jan. 18 2016
Dr. Kawano's application for "Highest altitude biological cell experiment" has been accepted at the Guinness World Records!
He is now the Guinness World Records Title Holder!
Jan. 4, 2016
A happy new year!
The 3rd year of Kawano lab. is now starting!
Dec. 25, 2015
We gave a year‐end party.
Dec. 15-20, 2015
Dr. Kawano gave an oral presentation on PACIFICHEM 2015 @Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Dec. 8, 2015
Ohara-san, Sekiya-kun, Hiratani-san gave an oral presentation and Watanabe-san gave a poster presentation at the 2nd society for saibounics @ Tokyo
Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2015
Hiratani-san gave a poster presentation on the 1st Annual Meeting of the Nucleic Acids Therapeutics Society of Japan @Kyoto.
Nov. 16, 2015
Watanabe-kun got a poster presentation award on the 5th CSJ chemical festa @Tokyo.
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