Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.11/ 22 March 2013
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1.News
- 3.Report
‐Overseas Field Training organized by FOLENS office
‐Post-Field Reporting Seminar and Case-Study Workshop
‐FOLENS Seminar January
‐FOLENS Seminar February
‐FOLENS Farm Activities
‐Fieldwork in Rural Communities
- 4.COLUMN:The order of things
- Greeting from Ai Imai, Chief Coordinator
I'm leaving FOLENS at the end of March. Although it was such a short time,
I was very happy to be a part of the program. Thank you very much.
25 FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony
26 TUAT Graduation Ceremony
5,8,12 FOLENS orientation session for new students
9 First Semester begins
17 Deadline of application for FOLENS April intake
24 FOLENS new student orientation (April intake)
TBD Welcome Party for FOLENS new students
TBD FOLENS Seminar : Introduction to 2013
For the Annual Schedule,
click the link→
Overseas Field Training organized by FOLENS office
FOLENS office in TUAT, Can Tho University (CTU), Hue University and JICA Partnership Program (JPP)
in Bach Ma National Park co-organized an overseas field training (FOLENS office organized type)
in September 2012. Japanese, Chinses and Vietnamese students from TUAT and Vietnamese students,
young researchers and professors from CTU participate this. The following two reports were
result of the field survey for enhancing their research of the Master Program.
Vo Thi Minh Tam:
Survey on microbial water quality and prevalence of diarrheal pathogens of
surface water in the Mekong delta, Vietnam
Fast economic development combined with weak
wastewater management practices is continuously polluting water quality. The water pollution
with human and animal waste include sources hazardous pathogens and contamination of natural
water bodies poses a serious health risk in the Mekong Delta. This study was carried out to
survey the microbial water quality of surface water in the Mekong delta Vietnam, especially
the impact of livestock production on the water pollution.
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Co Thi Kinh:
Impact of domestic and industrial waste management on water environment in The
Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
We visited Tra Noc Industrial zone, O Mon landfill, Hoa An village,
Can Tho University, and Bach Ma National Park and learnt about wastewater treatment and
management, the impact of wastewater on surface water quality in the Mekong River. Wastewater
in seafood processing factories, including before and after treatment systems had high level
of nitrogen, phosphate, organic matter, E. coli and coliform which were far above the Vietnamese
standard for industrial wastewater. COD, NH4+, and EC in the branches of Hau River water in Can
Tho city were much higher than the limit by Vietnamese standard for surface water quality.
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Yeo Bee Geok (Maybelline): Marine debris and conservation:Raising
awareness and education in urban and rural communities in Queensland,
Australia (Tangaroa Blue/ July 31-August 21, 2012)
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-Post-Field Reporting Seminar & Case Study Workshop on Jan.30th and Feb. 27th
Presenters are expected to report their real experience, lessons and research results during
their overseas field training or internship and discuss how to apply to other similar cases
in the future. They should take care to give accurate and easy-understanding information, and
organize objective information and conclusion clearly. Mapping of relationships among mutual
issues and discussion what should “outsides” do for the issues were done in the case study
workshop. We called people who do not directly involved as “outsiders”. We hope it is an
effective way to combine on-site experience and broad perspective by accumulating this discussion.
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-FOLENS Seminar January
Life and Agriculture after Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster ? Follow-up Lecture
and Discussion The seminar in January 2013 was a follow-up lecture and discussion to reflect on
our Fukushima visit in December, with a theme of “Life and Agriculture after Tohoku Earthquake
and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster”. To learn about the impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plant disaster and radiation pollution on our life, Mr. Hidetake Ishimaru, Director of
MEMOLI (Measuring and Mothering for Life), a radiation measuring laboratory in Kokubunji
established by a civic group, was invited as a guest speaker. Twenty-one students and two
faculty members participated.
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‐FOLENS Seminar February
We went to Kitakyushu Eco-Town and Environmental Museum on Feb. 28th and Mar. 1st as a FOLENS Feb.
Seminar. 7students and 4 staffs were participated.
Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project are aiming Zero Emission and recycling society at the end with various
waste utilizing for the other industrial field.
This Eco-Town was chosen for the first Eco-Town Plan by Japanese Government in 1997. We visited 6
recycling facilities, 2 universities Lab. and 1 environmental museum as below, Each students chosen
one topic from 8 facilities beforehand and should give their presentation after returning back to
Meeting Time: 8:35 Feb. 28th at 2nd Floor information desk of Haneda airport No.1 Terminal
First Day: General information of Kitakyushu Eco-Town(Fig.1, 13:30~)
1.Reproduce aluminum and steal from waste can (Fig.2, Mr. Hadian)
2.Reproduce compound board and bench from waste wood and plastic (Fig.3, Mr. Hossein)
3.Practical research on making biodegradable plastic from garbage and its recycle use by Kyusyu
Technical Institute (Fig.4, Mss. Vicheka)
4.Waste landfill research by Fukuoka University(Fig.5)
Second Day:
5.Reproduce flake and pellet of plastic to make cap and uniform from waste PET bottle (Fig.6,Mr. Rahman)
6.Reproduce metal for cement plant, RDF and recycle container from waste medical instrument (Fig.7,Miss.Kinh)
7.We learned a lot about earth history and environment from Road of the Earth produced by Mr. Satoshi
Kuramoto (Fig.8, 12:30-13:30).
8.Reproduce aluminum, fluorescent and mercury from fluorescent tube by cutting the edge and breaking
tube (Fig.9, Miss.Elena)
9.Reproduce plastic, aluminum and roadbed from copy machine (Fig.10, Mr. Hiep)
Please check the FOLENS Website Report, FOLENS Seminar Feb. 28th, 2013 you can see the pictures and
presentation of Kitakyushu Eco-Town Seminar.
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- FOLENS Farm Activities -Sustainable Community Development and Urban Agriculture
We have harvested the buckwheats in December and have processed them withtraditional manual methods!
January 26: Buckwheat Threshing and Cleaning (and a bit of grinding)
See the pictures?!/media/set/?set=a.298857066903096.66816.100003364161221&type=3
February 26: Buckwheat Milling with a Stone Mill
See the pictures?!/media/set/?set=a.323641591091310.1073741826.100003364161221&type=1
Fieldwork in Rural Communities
The report of the fieldwork in Minamata in July 2012 (Japanese only/ The
English version is under preparation) has been published. If you wish to
obtain a hard copy, please inform the number of copies required and the
postal address. FOLENS Head Office (See the contact information below).
The data can be downloaded from the website.?
The order of things
Hirokazu Ozaki
Assistant Professor in FOLENS (Laboratory Coordinator)
Line of trees in Tamagawa Josui is in danger. In the name of the plan of preserving historic sites,
cutting big trees from the roots has been already done in front of the gate of the Koganei park.
In the next few years, it is planned to be expanding 6 km long. It is sad to see my favorite place
is disappearing once again. Trees help climate mitigation in cities and provide peace for people,
and are important as habitats and corridor for wild birds and animals as well as for biodiversity.
It is said to promote sprout regeneration as it has a risk of falling. However, old trees do not
always have high rate of sprout regeneration. The image picture and the scenery after cutting down
are different. This is more than a clipping. Why don’t they take ways of cutting branches, thinning,
or adjusting the tree height? It is ridiculous to cut Japanese Zelkova (Keyaki) which has signs of
Musashino and to plant cherry trees instead. Human beings cannot overcome the nature. I do not agree,
rather am against the ideas that human beings try to manage the nature. One of my dreams is to buy a
spacious land without any complaints from others of falling leaves and shadows and to have a forest
with big trees. I hope to see regenerated big trees in Tamagawa Josui about 20 years later or around.
These imaginations made me feel relieved.
At the same time, solar generation has become popular as a clean energy. New solar generation facility
is sometimes reported in a news program. But! Felling of trees was started to construct “Mega-Solar”
plant in a certain city, Yamanashi Prefecture. I wonder that ultra-red image indicates higher
temperature than vegetated area due to its transpiration. Why do many things often go in wrong order!
Here comes another topic. What is midwinter “level”? A weather forecast at the end of January said
“In contrast, it is as very cold as midwinter level tomorrow”. When is the midwinter if it were not
midwinter right now? Don’t we have midwinter anymore because of the warming phenomenon? It sounds
lonely since winter is my favorite season.
Please forgive my outspoken talks.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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