Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-Letter No.12/ 24 June 2013
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 2.News
- 3.Reports
- Admissions(April 2013)
-FOLENS Seminar (May)
-Overseas Field Training
-FOLENS Farm Activitie
-Field in Rural Communities
8 Welcome Party
13 FOLENS Seminar Introduction to 2013
23,30 Green Technology Practice
15-16 FOLENS Seminar Related Event: Fujieda Field Trip
21 FOLENS in Global Cafe
26 Post-Field Reporting Seminar & Case Study Workshop
6,13,20&27 Green Technology Practice
12 FOLENS Seminar: Preparatory Lecture & Discussion for July Field Trip
13-15 Fieldwork in Rural Communities Practice
28-Aug.11 FOLENS Overseas Field Training (Thailand)
TBD FOLENS Seminar: Field Trip
30 Summer break begins
- Greeting from Sugiyama, Administrative Coordinator
I am in charge of general office work for FOLENS.
I'm happy to take this occasion to work with you to support your study.
-Greeting from Mai Matsuda in charge of the WEB of public relations
I'm leaving FOLENS at the end of June. Thank you very much for all of your supports.
-Admissions (April 2013)
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-FOLENS Seminar May 2013
We held the first FOLENS Seminar in AY 2013, " Introduction to FOLENS
Seminar – Reflection on 2012 and Planning for 2013"
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-Overseas Field Training
Training trips in Thailand (3 students), Uzbekistan (1 student), Ghana (1 student),
Vietnam (4students), Brazil (1 student) and Indonesia (1 student) are here reported.
Genki Muto: Studying of Bio-ethanol application in Thailand -Investigation of environmental
pollution by Bio-ethanol production plant-
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Keisuke Yamada: Clarification the causes of Arsenic (As) contamination in the landfills of
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Masahiro Yamamoto: Research of residual pesticide in soil and evaluation of the risk in
agricultural area
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Vladimir Jollibekov: Water quality impacts to agriculture products, Case study in Karakalpakstan,
Uzbekistan, Aug. 6th-26th, 2012
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Shogo Shimada: The environmental impacts and the future of industrial crop production in Ghana,
Ghana, Aug. 12th-26th, 2012
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Jigemude Wang: Suspended Sediment Transport and in Mekong River and the delta formation
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Mudan Hou: Study on surface water quality in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam
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The above 2 had a group trip in Vietnam, Sep. 3rd-16th, 2012
Hiromitsu Moriyama: Dairy Industry impacts on economy and environment in Vietnam, Vietnam,
Sep. 3rd-Oct.10th, 2012
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Katsura Tsukano: Biological interaction of plants in Agroforestry system in Tome-Acu, Brazil,
Sep.9th-Oct.10th, 2012
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Mitsutoshi Fuke: Current situation of cultivation methodologies for horticultural crops in rainy
season between Mekong delta and Bach Ma National Park focused on the balance of advanced agricultural
technologies and environmental, Vietnam, Oct.13th-20th, 2012
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Rimi Tono: Examining rural development through multipurpose uses of coconut in West Kalimantan,
Indonesia, Indonesia, Nov.26th-Dec.10th, 2012
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Students below have completed their reports. Click the links to read
how valuable their learning experiences have been thanks to great
support by their hosts:
Chihiro Abe:Vietnam today, with experience of The Vietnam War (Sep.3-Oct.16, 2012)
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Rina Kurumisawa: International Cooperation in an Environmental Sector by NGO (Sep.7-Sep.26, 2012)
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-FOLENS Farm Activities
Welcome Party for New Students
A welcome party for the new students was held on May 8 at FOLENS Farm.
Students tried anything new making soba and created new relationships through this activity.
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Visit to Fujino Permaculture Center Japan (PCCJ)
A group of FOLENS students and faculty visited PCCJ to learn about the actual practice of sustainable farming and living in the field.
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5.COLUMN:FOLENS-organized Overseas Training in Thailand 2013
Kenichi Yoneda
Associate Professor and Coordinator, FOLENS
In this year FOLENS organized oversea training will be held in Thailand. From Japan 9 students
and 3 Professor, from Malaysia Professor Pauzi and his 2 students and from Thailand Dr. Tiwa and
his 4 students will join this training. Total 20 members will participate from July 29, 2013,
investigate the environmental issues and discuss about the problems and search for the solutions
with the community in this training.
Here we explain title of 9 student proposal to show their interests and ideas to solve the problem.
1.Measuring the GHG(Green House Gas) from sewage treatment plant and considering the reduction of them
①Study about measuring the CH4 emission from sewage treatment plant, landfill and rice field with
laser type sensor(Saori Umetsu)
②Study about GHG emission from sewage treatment plant in Thailand analyzing the N2O gas in my
laboratory. (Song Kang)
③Study about GHG emission from sewage treatment plant in Thailand and Vietnam(Tang Si Hiep)
④GHG emission from sewage treatment plant in Thailand, focusing on microorganisms(Fumi Shimura)
⑤Study about the quantity of Ammonia-Oxidizing-Bacteria in the Sewage plant in Thailand(Bao Qian)
2.Comparative survey of Thailand MSW(Municipal Solid Waste) management with Japan and western countries
(Harakhun Tanatavikorn)
3.Study about hydrogen production from gasoline adding bio-ethanol for household emergency fuel cell
in Thailand(Takami Yao)
4.System design of surveying dangerous/hazardous object in the flood affected area using GIS(Geographic
Information System)(Tomohisa Matsusita)
5.Need survey and implementation research of ASV (Autonomous Sensing Vehicle) for special applications
①Detecting of hazardous/dangerous object in the flooding area
②Measuring GHG emission in the landfill
(Ryuichi Takemura)
Please come and join the FOLENS Seminar on July 12, 2013.
Each 9 students will has their presentation about their oversea training proposal.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send your email address.
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
folensho(insert @ here)