Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-Letter No.13/ 25 September 2013
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 2.News
- 3.Reports
- Domestic Training
-Overseas Field Training
-FOLENS Seminar
12 FOLENS Seminar: Preparatory Lecture & Discussion for July Field Trip
13-15 Fieldwork in Rural Communities Practice
18 FOLENS Seminar: Security & crisis-management for overseas training
28-August 11 FOLENS Overseas Field Training (Thailand)
30 Summer break begins
14 Environmental Leader Program
19-22 RikuzenTakada Study tour
17 Graduation for September Students
30 Summer break ends
9 Deadline of application for FOLENS October intake
16 FOLENS new student orientation (October intake)
17-18 FOLENS Seminar: Field Trip with IEAS Dept
28-Nov.25 Training for Environmental Data Acquisition and Assessment
- New appointment of Web & PR Administrator Yousuke Fuyama.
"I am in charge of Web & PR work for FOLENS.
I'm happy to take this occasion to work with you to support your study."
-Domestic Training
<Green Technology Practice>
Green Technology Practice in 2013 was performed in the 6 days from May. 5th to Jun 27th.
The subject was the introduction current situation, observation and remediation of the waste management in Asia.
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<Fieldwork in Rural Communities (Towa, Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Pref
For the fieldwork this year, fifteen students and three faculty members visited Towa District of Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Throughout the three-day long visit after two preparatory study sessions, the students learned the warmth and strength of the people in Towa and their power to take responsible initiative and action for their own community.
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-Overseas Field Training
Every year, July to September is a high season of overseas field training trips.
Fourteen students have completed 6 trips in Thailand, Russia, Vietnam and UK, and 2 students are now working in Ghana as follows.
The trip in Thailand organized by FOLENS is reported below.
<FOLENS office organized oversea field training with Kasetsart University, Thailand>
We surveyed and discussed with Kasetsart university/Naresuan university (Thailand) and Putra university (Malaysia) professors and students about many environmental issues in Thailand.
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?Tomohisa Matsushita: Paper wastes and paperless in developing countries
?Song Kang: Study on N2O gas and other GHG emission from sewage treatment plant in Thailand
?Tang Si Hiep: Study on greenhouse gas emission from sewage treatment plant in Thailand and Vietnam
?Ryuichi Takemura: Measurement of methane gas distribution using laser detector in landfill site in
?Fumi Shimura: GHG emission from sewage treatment plant in Thailand, focusing on microorganisms
?Takami Yao: Investigation on hydrogen production from bio-ethanol for household in emergency in
?Harakhun Tanatavikorn: Comparative investigation on municipal solid waste management in Thailand,
Japan and Europe
?Bao Qian: Study on biomass of Ammonia-Oxidizing-Bacteria in sewage treatment plant in Thailand
?Saori Umetsu: Measurement of CH4 emission from sewage treatment plant, landfill and rice field
with laser type sensor
<Kasetsart University, Thailand (participated above too)>
?Mizuki Hasegawa: Studies for the source of infection of Salmonella in Thailand
<Caucasus, Russia>
?Mardan Korrani Hossein: Screening of North-West Caucasus plant species for allelopathic activity
(Elena Kazantseva, who is from Russia and completed short course of FOLENS, was a local assistant)
<Can Tho University, Vietnam>
?Nguyen Giang Nam: Environmental and hydrological assessment of groundwater in coastal area of
Mekong Delta, Vietnam
<Oxford University, UK>
?Sviridova Nina: Forest wildlife conservation studying from point of view of terrestrial mammals
<Eduardo Mondiane University, Mozambique>
?Junki Hosoda: Coastal marine pollution of Mozambique by persistent organic pollutants
<University of Ghana>
?Emi Nagata: Search of salmonella gecko and livestock care in Ghana [Ongoing]
?Eri Matsuura: A study on traditional system and sustainability of agriculture in Ghana [Ongoing]
Students below have conducted (or are conducting) their internship this summer.
Reports of their exciting experience are now under preparation!
?Fumi Ohkura: School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University(Thailand)
?Rina Yamamura: Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University (Thailand)
?Ghulam Hussain "Poya": Wildlife Conservation Society (Afghanistan)
?Omari Richard Ansong: Cornell University Soil Health Center (USA)[Ongoing]
?Chie Watai: OISCA (Fiji)[Ongoing]
-Security & Crisis-management for Overseas Training Seminar
An orientation for Security & Crisis-Management for Overseas Training was held on July 18th.
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-FOLENS Seminar
<Field Trip to Fujieda a Rural Community>
We went on our Field Trip to Fujieda, so called “Fujieda School”on June 15-16.
In Fujieda, we received a warm hospitality of Kinezuka family, organic farm owner this year again.
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<Presentation of Team Activity Proposal>
This year, FOLENS students have been divided into five teams
(Energy & Waste Management/ Water/ Organic Farming/ Air Pollution/ Nature Conservation)
according to their interests to develop and implement their own FOLENS seminar activities.
Each group presented their team activity proposal on June 26 and July 12.
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<Thailand oversea training Presentation>
9 FOLENS students going to Thailand from July 27 as an oversea training gave their presentation on the next point to about 30 FOLENS students and several staff on July 12, FOLENS July Seminar.
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<Global Cafe - Global Extension Part I: Talk by FOLENS Students>
"Global Extension" is an event to promote active utilization of Global Cafes, opened this year in both Fuchu and Koganei Campus as a
space for TUAT students to promote international communication among them. For the first Global
Extension, two FOLENS students were invited as speakers and introduced their home country.
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Hirokazu Ozaki
Assistant Professor in FOLENS (Laboratory Coordinator)
Several times a year, I am visiting mountains in a heavy snow area of Japan.
It is so interesting to see effects of heavy snow on vegetation distribution, landscape and micro
topography. A vertical distribution of plant species does not always agree with textbook information.
As well known, beech (Fagus crenata) forest covers the mountainside.
When we explore the forest we find messages from forerunners snicked on beech bark. Examples are, “water ↓”, “here leads to ***”, date, name and age and so on.
Most of them in an area were name and age only, and those in other area seem to indicate ancient trail, some pray for health and harvest, but some are unclear.
It is interesting that there might be micro-scale locality from place to place. Many of them seem to be drawn by around 2005, while I have not found ones after that.
Does the custom disappear now? The markings are put on beech trees but not on other tree species.
This is maybe due to its smooth bark. At the same time, there is Chinese character “River (川)”. This is by bear, marked using nail. Fruit of the beech is said to be good harvest this year.
Yes, I saw a lot of tree branches with many beech masts. Bears like beech masts. Did they peel and eat small fruits by their big (?) hand?
I wish and believe people and bears coexist here.

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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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