Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-Letter No.14/3 February 2014 Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technologyy
-International Symposium
-Presentation Skill Training
-Overseas Field Training
-Domestic Training
-Post-Field Reporting Seminar and Case-Study Workshop
-FOLENS Seminar
- 3.New Year's Greetings from Director: Prof. Hideshige Takada
8-10 TUAT University Festival
15-16 FOLENS International Symposium
16,23 & 30 Subjective Exercise for International Environmental and Agricultural
6 FOLENS Seminar
6 Welcome Party for FOLENS new students
9-10 Seminar for Sadogashima
13,16 & 24 Post-Field Reporting Seminar & Case Study Workshop
21 Winter break begins
5 Winter break ends
17, 23, 24 & 31 AdvancedIEAS-2013
15 Post-Field Reporting Seminar & Case Study Workshop
20 FOLENS Seminar
In October 2013, FOLENS welcomed two students (Short Course) to join the program
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-International Symposium
The 5th International Symposium of Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa was held on Saturday November 16th, 2013 at Fuchu Campus.
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-Presentation Skill Training
Making presentation is an effective opportunity to review the research result from an objective perspective for investigating the conclusion scientifically.
At the same time, environmental issues are interrelated with each other from the specific local scale to global scale in the present globalized society.
Therefore it is important for environmental scientists to have a skill of discussion, investigation and international cooperation.
Students had poster presentation in English on November 15th, taking advantage of the FOLENS international symposium for which faculty members in E&R base visited TUAT.
Students seemed to have a good discussion.
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-Overseas Field Training
Since the previous E-Letter in September, study trips were held in Australia and Thailand (another trip from the FOLENS-organized one) as overseas field training.
Please refer to the following reports for photos and details.
1. Tang Si Hiep: Study about greenhouse gases emission from Phuket Sewage Treatment Plant in Thailand
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2. Junki Hosoda: Pellet sampling for monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Mozambican coast
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3. Nguyen Dinh Giang Nam: Groundwater Quality Assessment and Its Suitability for Domestic and Agriculture Uses in Coastal Zone of Mekong Delta, Vietnam
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4. Mishyna Maryia: Implementation Australian Weeds Strategy (AWS) in New South Wales, Australia
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5. Mardani Korrani Hossein: Overseas Field Training in Russia: Screening of Caucasian Plants for Allelopathic Activity
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In this academic year 2013, eight students have completed their internship activities. Students below have finalized their report:
* Ying Chun Habura: Conservation Volunteers Australia - Volunteer Work for Healthy and Sustainable Environment (Australia/ March 28-June 4)
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* Rina Yamamura: Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University (Kyoto/May 27-29, Thailand/August 6-19)
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* Ghulam Hussain "Poya": Wildlife Conservation Society (Afghanistan/ August 9-September 12)
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* Omari Richard Ansong: Cornell University Soil Health Center (USA/August 31-November 1)
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The following students are now finalizing their report - they will be uploaded soon!
* Fumi Ohkura: School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University(Thailand)
* Chie Watai: OISCA (Fiji)
* Satomi Tabata: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (Philippines)
* Atsushi Yagioka: International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) (India)
-Domestic Training
[Training for Environmental Data Acquisition and Assessment]
This is a domestic training course for environmental science category. Main contents were consisted of trace element analysis of soil samples collected in TUAT’s test farm, and ion, antibiotics and coliform measurements of Tama River water.
We learnt about their environmental scientific meaning, interrelation of these indicators, as well as handling procedure in laboratory and data analysis. Basic concepts on chemical analysis are necessary to develop to application.
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-Post-Field Reporting Seminar and Case Study Workshop
Joint seminar "Post-Field Reporting Seminar and Case Study Workshop" is being held. This seminar is consisted of individual reporting presentations for "overseas field training" and "internship" and overall discussion.
We hope to cultivate both the "field-oriented mind" and "panoramic scope". This seminar is, indeed, a hidden but very important event in FOLENS.
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-FOLENS Seminar
[Field Trip to Mt. Fuji]
On 17-18 October, we had a field trip together with IEAS.
The purpose of this trip was to learn "Life, resources, and environment around the world cultural heritage of Mt. Fuji".
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[Visit to Seseragi Farm (Organic Farming Team Activity): October 22, 2013]
As part of the FOLENS students group activities, the members of Organic Farming Group visited the "Seseragi Farm", a community garden in Hino City, Tokyo.
The farm collects food wastes from 200 houses and uses them as compost.
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[Preparatory Study for Sadogashima Visit, Report of Visit to Seseragi Farm, Report of First Sustainability Environmental Leader Summit, and Welcome Party for New Students: December 6, 2013]
The first FOLENS Seminar in this term was organized on 6 December with a variety of contents, and followed by a welcome party for two new students who joined FOLENS in this October.
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[Protection of Toki and Biodiversity and Agriculture in Sado Island: 9-10 December, 2013]
Sado Island was certified as GIAHS-Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems-a site that conserves biodiversity with a focus on Japanese crested ibises (Toki in Japanese) and maintains traditional agriculture and culture in 2011.
A group of FOLENS students who became interested in this organized a visit to the island to learn from the site and the local people.
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[FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony]
The 5th certificate award ceremony for FOLENS Program was held at Musashino Lounge on September 17, 2013.
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3. New Year's Greetings from FOLENS Director: Prof. Hideshige Takada
[Environmental research and Education is not time-limited.]
I hope that you have made smooth start in year 2014. On the New Year's day, I visited a site near a sewage treatment plant (Kitatama daiichi STP) along the Tamagawa River.
I have been visiting the site on every new year's day during last 17 years since 1998 when endocrine disruption was revealed in the carps in the river water at the site and active researches have started.
This is the birthplace of researches on endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japan. Every my visit refreshes my brain to continue and develop researches. Even after 17 years, I still haven’t reached the solution, though I have been approaching, hopefully.
Environmental research takes time. Education takes much longer time than the research. Education is not time-limited, too. Thus, FOLENS program should be continued even after JST will stop financial support.
We have been thinking over how to continue FOLENS program based on limited resources of our university. I hope that 2014 will be a year of start of continuity.
Hope that 2014 will be another productive year for you all and we will get progress toward sustainable and peaceful society.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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