Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.2/ 15 June 2011
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1. My Lecture for FOLENS: Water/Wastewater Engineering
- Admissions
- Overseas Field Training
- FOLENS Seminars
- Others - 4. COLUMN: Excess in the Desperate Situation
1. My Lecture for FOLENS: Water/Wastewater Engineering
Akihiko Terada, Lecturer/ Masaaki Hosomi, Professor
Division of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Engineering
This course consists of lectures and exercises on technologies for water/wastewater treatment. The 21st century is called as the century of "Water". Due to population explosion and rapid development of industries since
the late 20th century, the necessity of water/wastewater treatment has been growing day by day. In particular, not only "obviously visible" problems (e.g., odor, cloudy water, eutrophication and so on) but also
"so far invisible but potentially detrimental" problems (e.g., release of pharmaceuticals to water bodies, resulting in emergence of drag-resistant microorganisms) have recently emerged, making issues on water/wastewater treatment more complicated.
Click the link to read more:
<June 2011>
1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 16,17, 23: Training for environmental data acquisition and assessment
16,24: Green technology practice
18-19: FOLENS Seminar (Field visit of the Fujieda organic tea farm and its farming group)
<July 2011>
7,10,11,18: (Continued) Green technology practice
20: FOLENS Seminar (Lecture and discussion: History, society, agriculture and environmental issues in Ghana)
<August 2011>
2: (Continued) Green technology practice
9: First semester ends
10: Summer break begins
TBD: FOLENS Seminar (Field volunteers for restoration in areas damaged by the Eastern Japan disaster)
April 2011 Admissions: Fifteen New Students to FOLENS!
14 students have completed their overseas field training in FY2010. Their destinations were E&R base in Malaysia and China with FOLENS staff, or Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia and China with their supervisor.
Govinda Narayan Timilsina, a FOLENS student from Nepal, has started his internship in April at Paradise Gardens and Farm, USA. Click the links below to view his posts in FOLENS Blog and give some feedback!
Monthly report from Govinda:
Govinda's internship appearing in media!
FOLENS organizes a series of monthly seminars where FOLENS students develop their field-oriented environmental leadership together through workshops and field trips.
To read reports, click the links:
<September-December 2010>
30 September: Pre-briefing for visit to CBD-COP10
17-19 October: Visiting CBD-COP10 in Nagoya
19 Novermber: Follow-up for COP10-CBD in October/Preparation for Charcoal & Satoyama Workshop in December
6 December: Charcoal and Satoyama for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (FOLENS International Symposium Excursion)
<January-May 2011>
26 January: Follow-up for Charcoal and Satoyama Workshop and Preparation for Waste Management Field Trip
22-23 February: Solid Waste Management - Visit to Waste Treatment Complex & Environmental Data Analysis Facility
28 April: What is FOLENS? Reflection on 2010 and Planning for 2011
18 May: 3.11 and Us
- Others
28 April 2011: Welcome Luncheon for 2011 Spring New Students
4. COLUMN: Excess in the Desperate Situation
Takahisa Furuichi
Associate Professor and Chief Coordinator, FOLENS
In a weekend afternoon in the middle of May, which was about two months after the earthquake-tsunami disaster in the eastern Japan occurred on 11 March, I was listening to the radio in a car. 'A group of people who live hundreds kilometers away was rushing to the affected area to provide foods, clothes and fuels put on a truck.
When the group arrived at the first evacuation station, they were told "We are OK for tonight so please go and give the stuff to people in stations having more desperate situations." The group went to another station and was said "Please go further and deliver the goods to people in worse situations. We can sustain for tonight." The group
visited more than a dozen of stations and was told the same, but finally peoplein a station accepted the offer and said "Thank you. We would be having troubles tonight if you did not come." - If you share, you have excess; if you scramble, you have scarcity.- I realized this is the truth.' This is just one of many disaster-related stories, but seems to imply an important aspect of sustainable society and the environment.

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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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