Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.4/ 21 October 2011
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
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- FOLENS International Symposium - 3. REPORTS
- Admissions
- Overseas Field Training
- FOLENS Seminars
- 4. COLUMN: Forest's Mutual Support
3-11: Calling applications and selection for FOLENS new students
(October intake)
17: Orientation for FOLENS new students (October intake)
19: Steering Committee (2011/2012-3)
19: Welcome reception for FOLENS new students (October intake)
28-29: FOLENS Seminar (Field visit to the Kamikochi-Matsumoto, Nagano
16: FOLENS Seminar (Pre-study on new energy for sustainable Asia and
3: Work Meeting with the E&R Bases
5-6: FOLENS Seminar and Excursion of the Symposium
(Field visit on new
energy sterategies for sustainable Asia and Africa)
To read more the Annual Schedule, click the link:
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The 3nd International Symposium of FOLENS:
Career path of Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors
Date: Friday, 2 December, 2011
Time: 13:00-17:20
Venue: Room 25, Lecture Building No.1 (1kou-25), Fuchu Campus,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Detailed information will be notified later.
Please mark your
calender now!
October 2011 Admissions: Six New Students to FOLENS!
FOLENS-organized Field Training in Ghana:
The Overseas Field Training organized by
FOLENS Officetitled as "Soil and Water Conservation in Africa: Focusing on Agriculture
and Gold Mining Activities in Ghana",
one of the FOLENS major events in 2011,
successfully held from the 5th to 18th of September 2011 with a
great support by
Universtiy of Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
Seven students and four faculty staff participated in the trip.
Training with research supervisors:
Besides Ghana, three other trips for FOLENS Overseas
Field Trainingwere conducted between August and October with a research supervisor of the
respective students.
-Kasetsart University (E&R base), Thailand: Three students and two faculty, Aug. 27-Sep. 4
-Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique: One student and one faculty, Sep. 6-Oct. 1
-Vietnam Forestry University, Vietnam: Sep, One student and one faculty, Sept.5-Oct.10
Govinda Narayan Timilsina: Finally returning to Japan on 7 November,
finishing his internship
at Paradise Gardens and Farm in the USA that started in April.
Cattleya Chutteang and Na-ngern Prathomrak: Getting valuable
experiences in learning research
techniques and strategies at Plant Science Research Unit of Agricultural Research Service,
US Department of Agriculture in Raleigh, USA. It lasts until 23 November.
Nobuaki Hanata: Started his internship at IDEA Consultants, Inc. in
Yokohama, Japan, from 17 October.
He will learn how environmental
assessment consultants operate through on-the-job training for a month.
28 September: The Environmental Conservation in Africa - Through
Modern Agriculture and Gold Mining in Ghana/ Report on Volunteer
Activities in Tohoku
Shuto reported his volunteer work in Ishinomaki City for recovery from
the Great East Japan Earthquake. Another main content was a fresh
report of overseas field training in Ghana by Rola, Xiao, Makita,
Yamaguchi, Numajiri, Miyazaki and Tetsuda.
4. COLUMN: Forest's mutual support
Hirokazu OZAKI
Associate Professor/ Labo-coordinator, FOLENS
I like big trees. In a recent typhoon, some large trees were fallen by
severe wind in Fuchu campus in TUAT. I hope that new trees grow to be
a next generation. With few exceptions, it seemed that many of the
fallen trees were standing alone or their inner part was decayed even
though they are thick and large. While trees in forest would have
blocked the wind each other and much less damaged. Yes, it is
important to support mutually. We had difficulties in returning home
two times this year in Tokyo due to the big earthquake and the
typhoon. Are we standing on friable sand in a city? People in town and
village in Ghana, a big hub airport operating 24 hours, glaciers in
Karakoram Mountains seen from onboard an airplane, a big flood in
Thailand…now I still keep those impressions so I want to think again
what is a good life on the Earth. (On Sep., 30th and Oct., 18th, 2011)

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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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