Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.5/ 27 December 2011
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- International Symposium
- Presentation Skill Training
-Overseas Field Training
-Post Field Reporting Seminar
- FOLENS Seminars
16: Subjective Exercises for International Environmental and Agricultural Research
(Introduction to GIS)
21: Post-Field Reporting / Case Study Workshop Joint Seminar
23 Dec - 5 Jan: Winter Break
11: FOLENS Seminar (Review of field excursion on energy for sustainable Asia and Africa)
19: Steering Committee
6: 2nd Semester ends.
7-13: Adjustment Period for the 2nd Semester
15: FOLENS Seminar(TBD)
16: Spring Break for FOLENS
27 March: TUAT Graduation Ceremony
To read more the Annual Schedule, click the link:
The recruitment of the special program for international students in the United Graduate School of Agricultural
Science including the FOLENS Course has
started. It includes the application for shcolarship.
The application
should arrive by January 26, 2012.
- International Symposium
The third international symposium titled ‘Career Path of Field-Oriented
Leaders in Environmental Sectors’ was
held on Friday 2nd of December, 2011 at the TUAT Fuchu Campus.
-Presentation Skill Training
“Presentation Skill Training”, which is now a regular event organized by FOLENS
was held on December 3rd 2011
following the 3rd international symposium of FOLENS.
Sixteen posters were for research presentation and one
poster was to introduce
overseas field training in Ghana in the last September.
-Overseas Field Training
Overseas field training trips in the summer 2011 were all completed safely.
Eleven students and 8 faculty members
participated and visited Thailand, Ghana,
Mozambique and Vietnam. Mr. Bui Xuan Dung who visited Vietnam
Forestry University
between September 5th and October 10th reported his works here:
Students below have completed their internship and now finalizing a report,
which will be uploaded soon.
* Govinda Narayan Timilsina: Paradise Gardens and Farm LLC, USA
* Cattleya Chutteang/ Na-ngern Prathomrak: Agricultural Research -
Service, US Department of Agriculture (Aug.23-Nov.23)
* Nobuaki Hanata: IDEA, Japan (Oct.17-Nov.11)
* Sooyoun Nam: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Nov.7-Dec.10)
- Post Field Reporting Seminar
Fourteen students made oral presentation and reported their overseas field
training or internship. We tried
to achieve more field-oriented understanding
and propose countermeasures by combining “Post-field Reporting
Seminar” and “Case Study Workshop”.
28-29 October: Kamikochi/ Matsumoto Field Trip – Nature, History,Tourism, Agriculture, and Research Jointly
organized with Department of International Environmental
and Agricultural Research (IEAS), a total of 50 participants traveled to Kamikochi and Matsumoto to enjoy the breathtaking natural beauty
and learn about the
environment, history in relation to agriculture and tourism in the area.
16 November: Pre-lecture for the Field Trip "Sustainable Energy
Strategies" — Energy Shit from Local Communities
Mr. Noriaki Yamashita, Senior Researcher of Institute for Sustainable
Energy Policies (ISEP)
explained the framework of energy issues, the
current energy situation in Japan and the world, and the vision of a
energy shift. This was a pre-lecture for the field trip in December,
organized based on our discussion following the
Great East Japan
Earthquake on the 11th of March and the following Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Plant Crisis.
5-6 December: Sustainable Energy Strategies: Challenges of local
communities for local energy generation for
local consumption –Visit
to Iida and Ina Cities, Nagano Prefecture (The 3rd FOLENS
International Symposium
Organized also as an excursion for the International Symposium,
students and international faculty
traveled to Iida and Ina Cities to
learn about challenges of local communities for the local generation
of energy for the local consumption. We listened to stories of the
people there, observed actual practices of renewable energy
utilization, and learned about philosophies, strategies, and
technological/ institutional possibilities and issues for
energy policies.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send your email address.
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
celens(insert @ here)