Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.6/ 23 March 2012
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1.My Lecture for FOLENS:Advanced Global Environmental Chemistry
- 4.Reports
- Overseas Field Training
- Internship
-FOLENS Seminars
- 5.COLUMN:Pioneers exploring in Iida City
1. My Lecture for FOLENS:Advanced Global Environmental Chemistry
Hiroshi Hara
Professor, Field Science Center
This series of lectures is firmly based on the personal experience and
thinking throughout acid depositionmeasurements on national, regiona
l and global scales.
Whereas the environmental science currently seems to be a fairly well
established discipline of science,it was regarded as something in which
decent scientists would never beinvolved when the author enteredair
pollution community in 1976. This recognition might be reasonable
because of apparently poor approachesfrom the viewpoint of basic science.
Click the link to read more:
6 Feb: 2nd Semester Ends
7-13 Feb: Adjustment Period for the 2nd Semester
16 Feb-: Spring Break for FOLENS
7-9 Mar: FOLENS Seminar: Introduction to the Disaster Education:
Field visits and volunteer activities in the affected areas of the Tohoku
earthquake and tsunami
21 March: FOLENS Graduation Ceremony
27 March: TUAT Graduation Ceremony
5 April: Orientation for Graduate School of Agriculture/ Graduate School
of Engineering
13 April: Orientation for United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
17 April: Deadline of Application for April Intake
24 April: Orientation for New FOLENS Students
25 April: Steering Committee Meeting
To read more the Annual Schedule, click the link:
The Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa
program)” is now recruiting the 5th batch graduate students. Those who enrolled inTUAT
in April 2012 and
October 2011 are welcome! FOLENS program provides lectures and training
courses in English besides the
curriculum of the graduate school students belong to.
This program aims to grow “Field-Oriented Environmental
Leader” through lecture and field activities, overseas
experiences, and discussions among students with various nationalities
and backgrounds. We look forward to receiving applications.
Please feel free to ask any questions.
Deadline is 17 April.
- Overseas Field Training
Three mini-reports of overseas field training were updated in the FOLENS website.
The participants learned about the destination and issue there from individual interests and viewpoints.
That is to say, they acquired findings of “Seeing is believing”. (HO)
Students below have completed their reports. Click the links to read
how valuable their learning experiences have been thanks to great
support by their hosts:
* Cattleya Chutteang: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service - The effects of ozone on the biochemical responses of soybeans
(Aug.23-Nov.23, 2011)
*Na-ngern Prathomrak:U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service - A Study of Air Pollution and Crop Physiology (Aug.23-Nov.23, 2011)
* Sooyoun Nam: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ecosystem Research
Division/ American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Nov.7-Dec.10, 2011)
-FOLENS Seminars
11 January: Sustainable Energy Strategies - Follow-up for Iida/Ina
Field Trip: Reflection, Presentation, and Discussion.
We held the first FOLENS seminar in 2012 on 11 January, as a follow
-up for the field trip to Iida and Ina in December.
After students' presentation of how their research topics relate to energy
issues, we had active and substantial discussion on the topic "Is Localization
a Key for Sustainable EnergyStrategies?", based on knowledge and ideas
earned through a series of seminars since November.
To students, please post a recent state of your activities including internship
and overseas field training. Faculty members of E&$ Bases are also invited
to share their FOLENS-related activities here.
FOLENS Alumni Mailing List
The alumni, E&R base faculty, and FOLENS faculty members areregistered
as members. This March, five students (1 from Myanmar, 1 from Nepal and
3 from Japan) are graduating from FOLENS. Also in last September, five
students(2 from Cambodia, 1 from Malaysia, 1 from Thailand and 1 from
Vietnam) graduated. FOLENS hopes to keep a strong relationship with alumni.
We hope this mailing list, together with a Facebook page, enhanceFOLENS
members communication!
5.COLUMN:Pioneers exploring in Iida City
Takahisa Furuichi
Associate Professor and Chief Coordinator, FOLENS
The 3rd FOLENS International Symposium and following field excursion were held on 2-3 and 5-6 December 2011,
respectively. I have found interesting things and met distinguished people in every FOLENS international symposium and it was also the case for this time. In the field excursion in Iida City, we met with staffs and interns of
‘Ohisama Shinpo Energy Corporation’. Some of them introduced very intriguing stories of their careers. What struck me was the diversity and coherence of their mind; while former careers of the staffs and interns are highly
diverse, they all have now commitment to be involved in introduction and promotion of new energy sources as
professionals. Although introduction and promotion of new energy sources in Japan are thought to be still in a
preliminary stage, there are local-based pioneers who are exploring the possibility and devoting their career and
life to it, which is probably something we should be aware of.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send your email address.
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
celens(insert @ here)