Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.8/ 8 August 2012
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1.My Lecture for FOLENS:My 2nd term lecture
- 3.Report
- Post-Field Reporting Seminar & Case Study Workshop
- Training for Environmental Data Acquisition and Assessment
- FOLENS Seminar in June:Rice Planting with Organic Tea Farmers in Fujieda
- FOLENS Seminar in July:Pre-Lecture for Vietnam Field Training"Nature, agriculture and human impacts in Mekong delta"
- 4.COLUMN: Greetings from Ai IMAI
1. My Lecture for FOLENS:My 2nd term lecture
Kenichi YONEDA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of FOLENS
I will introduce my 2nd term 2 courses of lectures. These are the Advanced Green Technology
and the Technical English. In these two courses I will introduce nowadays waste management
of Asian/African countries. From the experience that I had lived for 2 years as a JICA Senior
Volunteer at Ratchaburi (100km west from Bangkok) REO8 (Regional Environmental Office 8 ) in
THAILAND, I would tell you what is important to work in the Asian/African countries as a leader
in environment sectors.
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< September >
3-15:FOLENS-arranged overseas Field Training (Vietnam)
TBD:FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony
- 30 :Summer Break ends
< October >
1:Second Semester begins
11-12:FOLENS Seminar:IEAS Field Trip (Kurobe-dam)
TBD:Orientations for TUAT new students (October intake)
TBD:Deadline of application for FOLENS October intake
TBD:FOLENS new student orientation (October intake)
TBD:Welcome Party for FOLENS new students
< November >
9-11:TUAT University Festival
14:FOLENS Seminar
28-29:International Symposium
TBD:Subjective Exercises for International Environmental and Agricultural Research
To read more the Annual Schedule, click the link:
-Post-Field Reporting Seminar & Case Study Workshop
Post-field Reporting Seminar and Case Study Workshop was held on 11 June,
where two students who have participated in Overseas Field Training in
September and October 2011 and one student who has conducted his Internship
from February to May 2012 reported their activities and achievements.
Nineteen students and nine faculty members attended.
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-Training for Environmental Data Acquisition and Assessment
“Training for Environmental Data Acquisition and Assessment” was offered on between middle
of June and beginning of July. The topics were soil sampling method and heavy metal analysis,
radioactivity determination (Cs-137), sewage treatment plant visit, river water collection in
Tama River before and after the treated sewage flows in and determination of ions and antibiotic
substances in the sample water. This domestic training focuses on how to evaluate the raw data as
well as acquisition of analysis skills. The participants were expected to make an effective use
of the content in the future.
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As part of FOLENS Seminar activities, FOLENS has set up an organic farm
where FOLENS students and faculty work and learn together while
experiencing farming activities. Now a variety of summer vegetables such
as potatoes, corns, tomatoes, cucumbers, egg plants, and bitter gourds are
being harvested. Some students also planted seeds of vegetables familiar
in their home countries such as Chinese water spinaches and corianders.
The next plan is to grow buckweats.
Everyone is welcome to join this FOLENS Farm, which is now developing into
a community garden of TUAT!
To look at the photos, visit the link below.
-FOLENS Seminar in June:Rice Planting with Organic Tea Farmers in Fujieda
16-17 June:We went on our Field Trip to Fujieda, so called “Fujieda School”. This is the
third year for FOLENS to join the trip. We had a participation of 26 people including FOLENS
students, IEAS students and faculties. In Fujieda, Kinezuka family, organic farm owner, welcomed us this year again.
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-FOLENS Seminar in July:Pre-Lecture for Vietnam Field Training
“FOLENS Seminar 17 July 2012 "Nature, agriculture and human impacts in Mekong delta"”
FOELNS seminar in July, has been held as a pre-study session for the overseas field training
in Vietnam (Bach Ma National Park and the Mekong Delta) which will be organized jointly by
FOLENS, Can Tho and Bach Ma charcoal project in September. We aimed that many FOLENS students
as well as the participants of the overseas field training in Vietnam have chance to know about
Mekong Delta and apply to their own learning and research. Associate Professor TARAO Mitsunori
(environmental microbiology) and Professor KOSUGI Sho (agricultural development economics and
management) were invited as lecturers.
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5.COLUMN:Greetings from Ai IMAI
Ai Imai
Chief Coordinator of FOLENS
I joined FOLENS in May this year. I have been involved with international cooperation issues,
focusing on Japan’s Aid (ODA) Policy. For my field experience, I was in charge of programme
management and aid coordination in Kenya for 4 years. After that, I was engaged in an
international aid policy forum, namely DAC (Development Assistance Committee) at the OECD
(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
It may look as if there is no link between my background and the FOLENS programme. I am not
specialized in the environment sector either. But, from my own experience, I found it very
important to learn both at the field and the policy level. Thus, I would like to contribute
to nurturing environment leaders who find problems in the field and provide policy advice from
a broader perspective.
I will not be in charge of particular courses, but I will be happy to talk anytime about the
FOLENS programme, Japan’s aid, especially the ins and outs of it, and the meaning of aid in
development of developing countries. Thank you very much.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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