Folens メルマガ
FOLENS E-News No.9/ 5 Novemver 2012
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1.News
-The 4th FOLENS International Symposium
-FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony
-Short Course is started
- 3.Admissions
- 4.Reports
-Overseas Field Training with the supervisor
-Fieldwork in Rural Communities
-Overseas field training: Vietnam
-FOLENS Seminar: Field Trip to Kurobe
- 5.COLUMN “Oversea field training with the supervisors in Thailand”
1. News
-The 4th FOLENS International Symposium
Date and Venue: November 29th (Thu) 2012 13:00- 17:00
Lecture Building 1 / Fuchu campus
Theme: "Field oriented mind and skill sets required for Global Environmental Human Resource
- Experience from FOLENS program"
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-FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony:(September 2012)
On 21 September, the third FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony was taken place.
There were 6 graduating students including Dr. Long Zhao(China)、Dr.Rinawati(Indonesia)、
Mr. Na-Ngern Prathomrak(Thai)、Ms. Xiao Zhi Qiu(China)、Ms. Nam Sooyoun(Korea)、
Ms. Pyone Win Win(Myanmar).
-Short Course is started
Short Course, one year FOLENS program, is started to offer since October 2012.
9-11:TUAT University Festival
TBD:Subjective Exercises for International Environmental and Agricultural Research
19:FOLENS Seminar
29-30:International Symposium
TBD: Green Technology Practice
17-18: FOLENS Seminar (Fukushima)
22: Winter break begins
6: Winter break ends
TBD: Green Technology Practice
To read more the Annual Schedule, click the link:
The features of this fall admission are as follows,
①77.8% are foreign students
②6 doctor course students including 1 from engineering faculty on Koganei Campus
③First 2 veterinary medicine course students
We held the orientation on October 17th and emphasized that we will educate the student as a T-type leader.
A T-type leader means the leader has the ability of not only his specialty but also his wide perspective of
environment issues resolution through their field training with other students from different faculty and nationality.
Our FOLENS program and practice training will last for 1 year and half, so that we asked the new FOLENS
students to get 8 credits as soon as possible.
We hope to listen to those new FOLENS students' speeches at their farewells and would be amazed at their good developed speech.
-Overseas Field Training with the supervisor (Thematic research type)
Many of FOLENS overseas field trainings are conducted in August and September.
The first one was started from the end of June and 10 overseas field training trips were completed by
October in 2012 in total. In it, 9 trips with students’ supervisor (Thematic research type: the focus
is put on participants’ research topic) were done in Malaysia and Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam,
Uzbekistan, Ghana, South Africa and Brazil by totally 11 students with their supervisors.
- Internship
In the first half of this academic year, 8 students conducted their internship in various fields and locations,
including a marine environment conservation NGO in Australia, a disabled children's home in Vietnam, and a rural
development NGO in Fiji.
Following are two of those who have finalized report.
?Aung Zau Oo
Internship with Bridge Asia Japan in Maungdaw area and Study the rice farming system and its related environmental
problems in Kanyutkwin, Myanmar
Host:Bridge Asia Japan (BAJ)
?Pyone Win Win
Study on Model test about the Stability of Slopes due to Rainfalls
Host: National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
- Fieldwork in Rural Communities
As one of the FOLENS domestic training courses just launched this year, this put a focus on
understanding of "society and people", which forms a critical aspect of every environmental issue.
Seventeen students and three faculty members traveled to Minamata, aiming to recognize the
importance and difficulty to understand society and people, and develop necessary attitudes and
view points for it. People and society of Minamata provided a rich learning opportunity based on
their experience of one of the most serious industrial pollution cases in Japan in 1950's and
following challenges to recover and reconnect, including "Jimotogaku" or participatory community study.
-Overseas field training(Vietnam)
Overseas field training FOLENS office organized: In / with Can Tho University, Bach Ma National Park
and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry “Natural environment and human impacts in the Mekong
Delta, and a grope for sustainability” There are two types of overseas field training in FOLENS program,
one is “Thematic research type” with the supervisor mentioned above and the other is “FOLENS office
organized type”, in which various major field participants learn together in FOLENS’s Education &
Research Base. The latter type was collaboratively done in Can Tho University (E&R base), Bach Ma National
park and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, in Vietnam in September 2012. We put “Natural
environment condition (flood, canal network, international river, rice agriculture…) and human impacts
in the Mekong Delta, and a grope for sustainability” to be our common axis of the field study.
-FOLENS Seminar October 2012: Field Trip to Kurobe"
On 11-12 October, we had a field trip together with IEAS to Nagano prefecture. The purpose of the trip was to
learn history, system, potential and constraint condition of hydropower development in Nagano prefecture as well
as to enjoy the beautiful nature.
From Aug. 4th to 12th Prof. Terada and I led the 3 FOLENS students the field training in Thailand in order
to follow up the last year subjects and develop the new subjects.
In this year we discussed and searched about the subjects according their 5W1H (Why, Where, Who, What, When and How)
for 3 months. We discussed about 5W1H of the subjects 5 times during getting permission and appointment of REO8
(Regional Environment Office 8), Kasetsart Univ., Phuke Municipality and Ayutthaya Municipality. We studied 6
subjects as below,
①Sampling leachats, well water and soil in the waste landfill at Hua-Hin and its environmental evaluation.
②Surveying about the new incinerator in Phuket as seeing and hearing the operation condition
③Surveying about Chulalongkorn Univ. bio-ethanol pilot plant in Suphan Buri and its evaluation
④Surveying about bio-diesel plant in Sara Buri as seeing and hearing the operation condition
⑤Visiting Ayutthaya Municipality, discussing about waste management and surveying/evaluating of their landfill
⑥Sampling soil at agricultural farm of Kasetsart Univ. for studying about residual agricultural chemicals on
exports vegetables and fruits and its evaluation.
Each of the 3 students had the 2 subjects. We discussed with the residents about 6 above environmental issues from the different perspectives.
Now students are analyzing the samples and will report the results and their evaluations at the FOLENS post-field
reporting at December. We are looking forward to hear their speeches and would be amazed at their developed speeches.

FOLENS welcomes your comments and feedbacks.
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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)
Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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