
The Field Oriented Workshop at Bidong Island, Terengganu, Malaysia
試料採取のためにボートに乗り込む ボートでの海水試料のサンプリング 海水試料中の炭化水素定量操作
Participants are departing to Bidong Island using boats Dr. Pauzi is conducting hydrocarbons experiment with participants using marine water samples
  Marine water samples are taken for the analysis using university boat  
Dr.Pauziによる機器分析のための試料の前処理を説明とセミナー参加者 Bidong島の旧跡も訪問しました Dr.PauziによるLectureの様子
Dr Pauzi is demonstrating the sample preparation for instrumental analysis Participants are visiting the historical buildings in Bidong Island Dr Pauzi and the other speakers are delivering their lectures to the participants

The international network of FOLENS is consisted of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT, Japan), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM, Malaysia), Kasetsart University (KU, Thailand), CanTho University (CU, Vietnam), University of Ghana (UG, Ghana) and Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES, China). The latter 5 Education & Research Bases (E&R Base) collaborate with TUAT for on-site environmental monitoring and field training. The E&R Bases also have been doing their own and mutual cooperation for education and research activities on environmental science.

In it, “The Field Oriented Workshop at Bidong Island, Terengganu, Malaysia” was held in June, 2011. The workshop was lead by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria from the Center of Excellence for Environmental Forensics, UPM. In order to provide an opportunity for the participants to experience a real sampling, the venue has been chosen to be in a marine research station of the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, UMT which is located on Pulau Bidong. The workshop lasted for two days, which is from 18th to 19th June 2011. The speakers for this workshop are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Pauzi Zakaria, Dr. Zainudin Bachok, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hii Yii Siang and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhaimi Suratman. The Table below represented the program of the workshop:

Day 1: 18th June 2011 (Saturday)


0800 - 0900 Arrival of participants
0900 - 1030 Participants depart to UMT’s marine research station at Pulau Bidong
1030 - 1100 Tea Break
1100 - 1145

Workshop Briefing and Introduction of Pulau Bidong

By: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hii Yii Siang
1145 - 1245

Title: Biological Marker: Tracer for food source

By: Dr.Zainudin Bachok
1245 - 1415 Lunch
1415 - 1600

Title: Distribution and Sources of Water Soluble Petroleum?????
Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment

By: Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria
1600 - 1700

Water Sampling

Guided by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhaimi Suratman
1700 - 1900

Free and easy

  • •Snorkeling
  • •Kayak
1900 - 2000 Dinner
2000 - 0000 Sample cleanup and preparation
Day 2: 19 June 2011 (Sunday)


0000 - 0200

Extraction and Separation Steps

  • •First Step Column Chromatography
  • •Second Step Column Chromatography
0200 - 0730 Rest
0730 - 0830 Breakfast
0830 - 0930

Exploration of Pulau Bidong

Leaded by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hii Yii Siang
0930 - 1030

Back to Marine Pollution Lab, INOS (from Pulau Bidong).

1030 - 1300

Sample analysis: GC-MS, Molecular marker and finger printing
By: Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria

?????? Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hii Yii Siang
1300 - 1400

Lunch Break

1400 - 1500

Data analysis and interpretation

By: Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria
1500 - 1600 Discussion/ tea break
1600 - 1630 Closing and Certificate presentation
1630 - 1800 Educational Tour to Taman Tamadun Islam
1800 - 1830 Dismiss
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