Overseas Field Training:Anammox bacteria in the sediment of Chao Phraya River and Pasak River
Anammox bacteria in the sediment of Chao Phraya River and Pasak River
Ryo Higuchi
Destination and period: Thailand, August 27 - September 4, 2011
Currently, they have not treated water precisely in Thailand, it caused to precede water pollution. For considering these conditions, it is required to understand their problems and lifestyle.
Research topic is the investigation of Anammox bacteria in the sediments of Chao Phraya River and Pasak River. The fraction of DNA was extracted from each sediment sample, and PCR analysis was performed with a primer set for Anammox bacteria. If it confirmed the present of Anammox bacteria, they will be identified to some kind of Anammox bacteria and quantification. Finally, compared with the Anammox of Koisegawa River, in which its presence and activity has been studied as a part of my master thesis. It may be the evidence of difference between Japanese river and Thailand river. As a result, it was shown the possibility that there were some Anammox bacteria, but they were different kind of Anammox bacteria from Koisegawa River.
Finally, fly out from Japan and watch the one of abroad country, clearly come to feel the difference between own country and abroad country, then look again own country, Japan. On the basis of this experience, I would like to consider the way to improve Japan.
Key words: Thailand, Kasetsart University, Chao Phraya River, Anammox