
17 September 2013: FOLENS Certificate Award Ceremony
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Awarding FOLENS Certificate by Director Takada Ceremonial photo with graduating students Having a pleasant talk?after the ceremony

The 5th certificate award ceremony for FOLENS Program was held at Musashino Lounge on September 17, 2013. There were nine graduating students including Dr. Chutteang Cattleya(Thailand)、Dr. Bui Xuan Dung(Vietnam)、Ms.CO THI KINH(Vietnam)、Ms. VO THI MINH TAM(Vietnam)、Ms. MU DAN HOU(China)、Ms. Piyanuch Jaikaew (Thailand)、Mr. JOLLIBEKOV Vladimir (Uzbekistan )、Mr. WANG Jigemude (China). Following the graduation, each of them will take the next step as a doctoral student, a faculty member of a home university, or staff of a private company in Japan. Eight students attended the ceremony (1 student was absent) and were handed the certificate by Prof Takada, the director of FOLENS. He sent a message to express his expectation for them to play constructive roles as leaders in environmental sectors in the international community to create the sustainable future. Each student gave a ten-minutes speech, regarding impressive experience during their study and their gratitude for the other FOLENS students and faculties. After the graduation, we will keep in touch with each other through FOLENS alumni mailing list to develop our FOLENS network. (CS)

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