
FOLENS Seminar May 2013: Introduction to FOLENS Seminar – Reflection on 2012 and Planning for 2013

Reflected on the activities during the last year with slides

25 students participated including 15 new comers

Shared ideas on activities in 2013 in teams formed according to the themes of interest

Twenty five students (including fifteen new comers) and four faculty/staff members joined the first FOLENS seminar in the academic year 2013. To promote students’ initiative, the first activity of the year is, as usual, development of the annual activity plan by students themselves. First, we reflected on what we have done during the last year with photos and comments by students who participated in each of such activities. After that, everyone created a large circle and each presented “what I am most interested in” to find out which students shared similar interest to form a team. After five teams were formed – Water, Organic Farming, Energy/Waste Management, Air Pollution, Practical Application of Environmental Conservation – each team had a discussion to share ideas for the activities this year. Even though the members of each team have close interests, with such diversity of their backgrounds, cultures and specialties, it is not a simple task for them to put all the ideas together into one concrete plan. So what will they come up with!? If you are interested, come to the next FOLENS seminar in June where they will present their plan! (SN)

Date May 13, 2013? 16:00-18:00
Place N-103 (Multi-purpose Room), 2N Building, Fuchu Campus
Participants 25 students, 4faculty staff members

- Reflection on the activities in 2012 (Sachi Ninomiya-Lim)

- Sharing of interests and formation of teams

- Group discussion: Ideas for the activities in 2013

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