
2011 Spring Post Field Reporting Seminar

Seminar schedule:pdfPost Field Reporting Seminar 2011 Spring


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14 students have completed their overseas field training in FY2010. Their destinations were E&R base in Malaysia and China with FOLENS staff, or Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia and China with their supervisor. Japanese students learned custom, life and required artifices for on-site environmental monitoring at unaccustomed field. Some foreign students visited a country which is not their hometown. Thus they expanded their knowledge from multifaceted perspectives.

The second post field reporting seminar was held to share these experiences, acquired fresh data and meaning of the visit and talk about environmental issues in Asia and Africa.

Now we are planning for the trainings in FY2011. Ghana is the destinations of the training organized by FOLENS office this year. In it, we expect to learn about conflict between traditional way and modernized way through gold mining and agriculture. We are also looking forward to having an exchange with Ghanaian students. It might be a chance to consider environmental issues in Asia and Africa from a global view point. (HO)

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