
Electronics of Conducting Polymer
Conducting polymers and its whisker type nanofiber is a post-silicon flexible semiconductor. We investigate flexible semoconducting devices comprising conductiong polumers for a future social implementation. In particular, we are eagerly studying conducting polymers composited in general plastics or elastomer, that is, semiconducting polymer sheet with high mechanical strength.

Thermoelectrics of Conducting Polymer

Measurement Method of Thermal Conductivity
Measurement method for the electrical conductivity has been establish, and we can measure the electrical conductivity easily. On the other hand, on the thermal conducivity, despite for the same transport phenomenon to the electrical conduction, measurement has not been established. So, we started to investigate a 3-omega method for using the direct measurement method of the thermal conductivity differently from various methods as indirect one.

Thermoelectronics by Ionic Seebeck Effect

Slide-Ring Gel Electrolyte with Mechanical Toughness for Li-ion Battery
Slide-ring gel, which realized the slip-link model, by Ito Lab. in Univ. of Tokyo has attracted the great attension. Mobile crosslinks bring out the intrinsic mechanical strength of materials. We applied this slide-ring gel to the Li-ion electrolyte. Slide-ring gels swollen by ionic liquids showed large ionic conductivity with high mechanical strength.
This research is currently suspended.