
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

(1) Research Contents (2) Areas of Expertise (3) Subjects in Charge (4) Email addresses (5) Laboratory Homepage(URL)

Akane Tanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)

Akane Tanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)
(1) Investigation on allergic diseases with animal models, focusing on immune systems in the diseased status. Research on bio-markers and therapeutic molecules for the systemic inflammatory response syndrome induced by serious infection and inflammation.
(2) Veterinary Science, Basic Medicine, Immunology
(3) Life science special lecture Ⅰ ,etc.
(4) akane (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.com
(5) http://www.jskrtf.com/~mol_path/

Tsuyoshi Tanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)

Tsuyoshi Tanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)
(1) Bio-production of valuable compounds and materials using marine microorganisms. Development of biosensors for microbiological, medical, and environmental applications.
(2) Marine biotechnology, Biosensor, Bio-Image Informatics
(3) Environmental science special lecture Ⅰ ,etc.
(4) tsuyo (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.com
(5) http://www.jskrtf.com/~biomol/

Hideyuki Tanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)

Hideyuki Tanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)
(1) Research on perception and motor control mechanisms underlying human behaviors. Recent research interests are the principles and theories on verbal instruction methods that can successfully improve motor skills.
(2) Human Movement Science, Sports and Health Sciences, Perception and Cognition,
(3) Life science special lecture Ⅲ,etc
(4) tanahide (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.com
(5) http://web.jskrtf.com/~fitness/

Hiroko Tabunoki(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)

Hiroko Tabunoki (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)
(1) Research on insect metabolites' application to the pharmaceutical compounds and analysis of the molecular mechanism in resistance to environmental stress using parasitic wasps and model insects. These researches will provide a new finding for human life science research.
(2) Biochemistry, Molecular biology, and Entomology
(3) Environmental science special lecture Ⅱ ,etc.
(4) h_tabuno (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.com
(5) http://web.jskrtf.com/~insecta/index.html

Nishikawa Atsushi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)

Nishikawa Atsushi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)
(1) We investigate various post-translational modification mechanisms such as glycosylation important for intracellular localization, functional expression, and signal transduction of proteins, and elucidate various functional control mechanisms of the cells. Recently, we have examined the regulatory mechanisms such as melanin production and membrane transport, and searched for a new taste sensing system for taste bud cells.
(2) Biochemistry, Glycobiology, Cell biology
(3) Life science special lecture Ⅱ ,etc.
(4) nishikaw (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.com
(5) http://web.jskrtf.com/~seika/

Tadashi Yoshida (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)

Tadashi Yoshida (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor)
(1) The aim of our study is to explore the functions of food factors such as immune-regulating activity, and to apply them to prevention and alleviation of various d iseases. The working mechanism and effects are investigated using animal and cellular models of the diseases. We particularly focus on allergy and life-style related diseases.
(2) Food chemistry, Food immunology, Food functions
(3) Food science special lecture Ⅰ ,etc.
(4) tyoshi (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.com
(5) http://web.jskrtf.com/~foodchem/

Masaki Inada (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Associate Professor)

Masaki Inada (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Associate Professor)
(1) Scientific approaches on elucidation of life-style related disease mechanisms, the using disease models on mice and gene targeting methods were based on molecular cell biology. Improvement of the technical precision of drug screening systems on mice that conducts to contribute on novel drug developments.
(2) Biotechnology and Life Science, Pathophysiology, Dentistry
(3) Food science special lecture Ⅱ ,etc.
(4) inada (insert @ symbol here) cc.jskrtf.comp
(5) https://web.jskrtf.com/~inada-lab/index.html

Waseda University

(1) Research Contents (2) Areas of Expertise (3) Subjects in Charge (4) Email addresses (5) Laboratory Homepage(URL)

Haruko Takeyama (Waseda University, Professor)

Haruko Takeyama (Waseda University, Professor)
(1) Since the most microorganisms in the environment are unculturable, a new analysis on genomic information is required. In our laboratory, we have developed single-cell genome analysis using microfluidic system. Furthermore, we have adopted Raman spectroscopy, which enables label-free detection of molecular substances at single-cell level, to perform the screening of beneficial microbiomes. To elucidate the functions of environmental microbiomes we have integrated the data obtained from our cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, we have developed the platform technology for microtissue omics. These new technologies have applied to various fields such as medicine and environmental science.
(2) Environmental genomics, Single-cell genome analysis, Raman metabolomics, Bioinformatics, Special omics analysis
(3) Environmental science special lecture Ⅲ ,etc.
(4) haruko-takeyama (insert @ symbol here) waseda.jp
(5) http://www.takeyama-lab.sci.waseda.ac.jp/

Shigenobu Shibata (Waseda University, Professor)

Shigenobu Shibata (Waseda University, Professor)
(1) Conducting research on the discovery of and therapeutic agents for mental disorders such as developmental disability, jet lag, bipolar disorder, dementia, and sleep disorder by throwing light on the mechanism of the biological clock. Clarifying the mechanism of the "stomach clock" which is considered to set the biological clock through the timing when food is consumed to contribute to the discovery of food/nutrition-ingesting method suitable to condition the biological rhythm and causes of lifestyle-related diseases.
(2) Pharmacology, Physiology, Chrono-nutrition
(3) Food science special lecture Ⅲ, etc.
(4) shibatas (insert @ symbol here) waseda.jp
(5) https://www.waseda-shibatas.com/

Toshio Ohshima (Waseda University, Professor)

Toshio Ohshima (Waseda University, Professor)
(1) Our research goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms of neuronal differentiation, brain wiring and functional development of our brain. For this purpose, we analyze the functions of the genes which are involved in the brain development using mice and zebrafish as model animals. We use the results from these studies to develop the novel therapeutic approaches of neuronal regeneration. These studies will help us to contribute for the development of the novel therapeutic methods in regenerative medicine in the nervous system.
(2) Neuroscience, Molecular Neurobiology
(3) Life science special lecture Ⅳ, etc.
(4) ohshima (insert @ symbol here) waseda.jp
(5) http://www.ohshima.biomed.sci.waseda.ac.jp/

Satoshi Yoshida (Waseda University, Professor)

Satoshi Yoshida (Waseda University, Professor)
(1) We use budding yeast as a model organism to elucidate how cells respond to environmental changes and cellular aging. In addition to classical genetics and biochemistry, we use high-resolution live cell imaging to gain a comprehensive understanding of the cellular system.
(2) Cell biology and molecular genetics
(3) Life Science Special Lecture Ⅴ, etc.
(4) satosh (insert @ symbol here) waseda.jp
(5) https://researchmap.jp/satoshw

Yu Tahara (Waseda University, Associate Professor)

Yu Tahara (Waseda University, Associate Professor)
(1) Circadian clock in mammals regulates many physiological functions to maintain homeostasis. Disrupted circadian clock by e.g. night-time shift work, jet lag, clock gene mutation reads to many diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, suggesting an importance of the clock system. By using rodent models, we are now focusing on the neurodegenerative disorder, chronic kidney disease, and aging-related decline with the change of circadian clock function. Since our body clock can be enhanced and adjusted by light, food, and exercise, we are trying to reveal how our daily hygiene affects the our body clock and health, and investigate a possibility to prevent diseases by contouring our clock.
(2) Chronobiology, Chrono-nutrition, Physiology
(3) Environmental science special lecture Ⅳ, etc.
(4) yutahara (insert @ symbol here) aoni.waseda.jp
(5) http://yutahara.com

Masahito Hosokawa (Waseda University, Associate Professor)

Masahito Hosokawa (Waseda University, Associate Professor)
(1) For the exploration, collection, and application of unused biological resources, we will build a technological platform that brings together diverse technologies such as single-cell analysis, microfluidics, bioinformatics, and automated experimental robotics. In addition, the synthetic biology platform to be developed will promote the production of bioproducts from digitized biological resource data.
(2) Bio-microdevice、Single-cell analysis
(3) Environmental Science Special Lecture Ⅴ, etc.
(4) masahosokawa (insert @ symbol here) aoni.waseda.jp
(5) https://researchmap.jp/m_hosokawa