Purpose and Characteristics of Learning

Purpose and Characteristics of Learning

To improve problem-solving skills for global issues and developing new industries, one needs to understand both of chemistry and physics comprehensively. We nurture good engineers challenging global issues with high social demands, for example, development of high-efficiency and low-environmental-impact devices for energy conversion with new materials.

Admission Policy

We have developed a curriculum to provide educations covering in the scientific fields on energy, new materials, and environment by a variety of experts in chemical engineering, applied physics, electronic engineering, and mechanical engineering. We are guiding and training ingenious technicians with problem-solving skills for global issues and developing new industries. We welcome?students to this unique department established in Japan so as to respond social needs for chemistry-physics fusion. Hence, we seek students with the following qualities:?

  1. Students with a warm?interest in both of chemistry and physics,
  2. Students with a warm interest in the scientific fields?on energy, new material, and environment,
  3. Students with strong motivation to be active world-widealy as?a top engineer, who can solve global issues by analyzing them and discovering new solution with chemical and physical approarches,
  4. Students with suffucient basic?knowledge in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and language.

Admission exam information

More information please click here.

Course situation of The Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering
