圻广猟リスト (2020 - )


  No. Authors   Title   Journal
Vol (Issue) Pages
  126 Z. Liu, T. Karasawa, W. Tan, H. Minegishi, Y. Matsushita, K. Shikinaka, Y. Otsuka, Y. Tominaga*   Ion-conductive properties and lithium battery performance of composite polymer electrolytes filled with lignin derivatives   Polymer Journal
In press  doi
  125 N. Soontornnon, K. Kimura, Y. Tominaga*   A highly salt concentrated ethylene carbonate-based self-standing copolymer electrolyte for solid-state lithium metal batteries   Journal of Materials Chemistry A
12 (31), 20278-20287  doi
  124 Z. Cui, J. V. Marangon, J. Hassoun, Y. Tominaga*   Polycarbonate-Based Composite Polymer Electrolytes with Al2O3 enhanced by In Situ Polymerized Electrolyte Interlayers for All-Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries   Journal of Power Sources
611, 234760  doi   Open Access
  123 N. Soontornnon, K. Kimura, Y. Tominaga*   Crosslinked ethylene carbonate-based copolymer composite electrolytes filled with TiO2 for lithium metal battery   ACS Applied Energy Materials
7 (9), 4190-4199  doi
  122 T. Karasawa, R. Kato, A. Tsukidate, Y. Tominaga*, K. Toyota, Y. Otsuka, K. Shikinaka*   Controlling polymer degradation by addition of plant aromatic polymer, lignin   Materials Today Communications
39, 109074  doi
  121 Z. Cui, J. Hassoun, Y. Tominaga*   Development of polycarbonate-based electrolytes with in situ polymerized electrolyte interlayers for lithium-metal batteries    Journal of Energy Storage
79, 110175  doi


  No. Authors   Title   Journal
Vol (Issue) Pages
  120 S. Ishii, N. Nishimura, Y. Tominaga*    Ion-conductive and mechanically stable copolymer electrolytes based on aliphatic carbonates    Macromolecules
56 (21), 8878-8886 doi
  119 Y. Tominaga*, N. Tsunesada, S. Miura, H. Kodama, T. Furukawa    Dielectric Relaxation and Ionic Conduction in Solid Polymer Electrolyte Based on a Random Copolymer of Ethylene Carbonate and Ethylene Oxide    Electrochimica Acta
465, 142995 doi
  118 W. Tan, Y. Tominaga*    Modeling analysis of ionic solvation structure in concentrated poly(ethylene carbonate) electrolytes    Electrochimica Acta
464, 142875 doi
  117 N. Nishimura, K. Masaki, W. Tan, R. Iimura, H. Kobayashi, K. Nishikawa, T. Mandai, H. Somekawa, Y. Tominaga*     Spray-dried MgMn2O4 spinel oxide cathode with single Mg ion-conductive polymer for rechargeable Mg metal battery    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
127 (25), 11829-11835 doi  
  116 N. Shahrir, S. N. Yusop, N. Anuar*, H. M. Zaki, Y. Tominaga   Influence of Polar Protic Solvents on Urea Morphology: A Combination of Experimental and Molecular Modeling   Crystal Growth & Design
23 (6), 4240-4254 doi
  115 N. Nishimura, K. Masaki, K. Nishikawa, Y. Idemoto, Y. Tominaga*    A single Mg ion-conductive polymer-coated MgCo2O4 for Mg rechargeable battery    Chemistry Letters
52 (2), 89-92   doi
  114 H. Kobayashi*, Y. Fukumi, H. Watanabe, R. Iimura, N. Nishimura, T. Mandai, Y. Tominaga, M. Nakayama, T. Ichitsubo, I. Honma, and H. Imai*     Ultraporous, Ultrasmall MgMn2O4 Spinel Cathode for a Room-Temperature Magnesium Rechargeable Battery    ACS Nano 
17 (3), 3135-3142   doi


  No. Authors   Title   Journal
Vol (Issue) Pages
  113 N. Soontornnon, Y. Kimata, Y. Tominaga*    Improvement of the ElectrodeCElectrolyte Interface Using Crosslinked Carbonate-Based Copolymers for Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries   Batteries
8 (12), 273 doi
  112 Z. Liu, K. Shikinaka, Y. Otsuka, Y. Tominaga*    Enhanced ionic conduction in composite polymer electrolyte filled with a plant biomass ^lignin ̄    Chemical Communications
58, 4504-4507 doi 
  111 Z. Cui, S. Inoue, J. Hassoun*, Y. Tominaga*     Enhanced performance of all-solid-state Li metal battery based on polyether electrolytes with lithium nitrate additive     Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
223, 2100396 doi 
  110 N. Nishimura, J. Hashinokuchi, Y. Tominaga*    Thermal, mechanical and ion-conductive properties of crosslinked poly[(ethylene carbonate)-co-(ethylene oxide)]-lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide electrolytes    Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
223, 2100327  doi 


  No. Authors   Title   Journal
Vol (Issue) Pages
  109 Y. Tominaga*, S. Kato, N. Nishimura   Preparation and electrochemical characterization of magnesium gel electrolytes based on crosslinked poly(tetrahydrofuran)   Polymer
224 (14), 123743 doi
  108 K. Shikinaka*, A. Tsukidate, Y. Tominaga, H. Inoue, Y. Otsuka   Polymer heatproofing using defibered plant obtained via wet-type bead milling of Japanese cedar   Polymer Journal
53, 841C845 doi
  107 K. Shikinaka*, H. Koike, Y. Tominaga*   Phase behavior, ionic conductivity, and current-voltage response of imogolite gel swelled in ionic liquid   Chemistry Letters
50 (2), 217-219 doi
  106 K. Kobayashi, G. Pagot, K. Vezz┫, F. Bertasi, V. Di Noto, Y. Tominaga*   Effect of plasticizer on the ion-conductive and dielectric behavior of poly(ethylene carbonate)-based Li electrolytes   Polymer Journal
53, 149-155 doi


  No. Authors   Title   Journal
Vol (Issue) Pages
  105 H. Sotome, K. Shikinaka*, A. Tsukidate, Y. Tominaga*, M. Nakamura, Y. Otsuka   Polymer heatproofing mechanism of lignin extracted by simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and comminution   Polymer Degradation and Stability
179, 109273   doi
  104 S. Wei, S. Inoue, D. Di Lecce, Z. Li, Y. Tominaga*, J. Hassoun*   Towards a highly performing lithium-metal battery with glyme solution and olivine cathode   ChemElectroChem
7 (11), 2376-2388   doi
Selected as a Front Cover
  103 V. Marangon, Y. Tominaga, J. Hassoun*   An alternative composite polymer electrolyte for high performances lithium battery   Journal of Power Sources
449, 227508  doi
  102 H. Nishino, C.Liu, S. Kanehashi, K. Mayumi, Y. Tominaga, T. Shimomura*, K. Ito   Ionic transport and mechanical properties of slide-ring gel swollen with Mg-ion electrolytes   Ionics
26, 255-261  doi